The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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18 0 Bruins Beat Canadiens Horse Racingr Results Seventeenth Page) HERE NEXT WEEK AT ST A EK i OR HOOP TOURNEY Pl Hh 350 Wt Jes a nd 230 320 1 than 15 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 Pl Sh S8m Celtics I VTIpl NATIONAL HOCKEY 3 36 11 xlods (G DEMANDS THE The score by in It Bowling Results ACAD ALLEYS WILLTMANSETT Social League 81 342 324 424 401 436 479 70 Senators 396 343 310 315 462 468 497 470 467 ALLEYS HOLYOKE C3 Suburban League 312 396 343 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 341 310 28? 347 S3 SUOLK ALLEYS HOLYOKE I 404 434 439 Social League ROADSTERS TRIUMPH 85 CROWD 00 05 458 503 402 is a Gillette crowd 89 92 454 559 0 501 488 486 116 Gillette blade in your you fall in line 481 464 437 430 413 342 120 WDZ ALLEYS orfeit 94 500 478 450 530 438 470 VICTOR AUrUVS 450 507 488 AT CLUB Peerless 445 464 414 425 442 408 0 2 0 Gillette! twenty nine yean of leadership have been 16 3 Time eight minute pe 74 445 482 409 4 54 478 522 44S 464 Polish alcons AB ranklin 5 ALLEYS THOMPSON VXLLE 0 0 8 426 411 420 434 Team 0 0 RAZORS 17 485 475 464 436 I fatri 8T 7 (B 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 00 90 3 1 16 22 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 91 102 87 107 91 4 4 80 112 110 95 10 6 Tasgonskf Walsh If 0 0 94 108 103 93 88 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 84 98 93 95 8 2 2 111 91 104 89 109 89 98 105 104 96 93 99 91 82 100 911 103 82 107 and the 92 104 so 82 81 sn 84 107 105 0 0 0 3 2 2 fl 5 ft fl SW 300 3 0 1 0 1 89 88 87 81 97 100 92 9638 Beck Boyer Doyle Stone Hardi 1 1 89 102 104 102 89 90 77 84 86 64 90 88 1Q0 110 96 90 84 120 107 10S 99 90 S3 4 4 I 0 1 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 88 70 75 83 95 91 86 84 Houle Gilbert Bedard Coutu reBedard Harrigan Coombs Burns McGrath Morey 96 84 98 87 102 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 Sh 340 86 98 88 91 98 Miiier Levesque Bergeron Sh 580 360 440 AH ab 4 4 4 Carew 1 Stack Guidette Brandy Aortinl Cortlnl 9289 109 81 71 owler Adam Smith Johnston 1 316 and Batted Batted Batted a 6 4 1 97 108 111 102 104 0 2 rt Jf A Sherman Hulse MacRae 103 98 92 Referee riods 71 78 87 79 71 78 75 05 Sigfoos3 Dressen3 ord a rey Rodgers! 83 87 93 91 83 No lr 0 71 6078 80 1O0 77 98 79 86 0 0 0 0 0 1 Team Bradley Castello Deyanny Bateman Haas Amer Reznik Young Golden Gaudette Vecchi a 3 2 81 85 102 79 79 77 62 88 96 Brunelle Cote Moran Eurand Beaudry Rayon Rousseau Jeannotte Crowe Gaughan Lister Ladeau Butler Cote Stanley Dietrick Bessette 90 88 91 80 87 116 82 119 75 75 94 81 76 92 85 76 86 95 Sh 410 270 3S0 89 74 80 Roman Lino JnDeBonls Morlsi JDeBonls 115 102 93 89 104 RH 4 M0 101 87 88 101 87 102 Team Benoit Platt Corcoran Lavallee Kokoski Team Gibble Lee Hitch! Hastie 74 85 79 80 97 87 89 79 100 70 87 87 95 482 Device 3 1 Jrs 95 97 101 105 93 83 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 87 94 83 88 98 4SO 87 89 83 84 89 RH 0 2 5 418 J3 3 HIRryant rg 6 3 6 The program read like a Canadian Amer ican Hockey league roll call Dit Clapper Marty Barry Red Beattie and Art Chap man are the Canadian American graduates in the Bruin roster The Canadiens have Johnnie Gagnon Amand Mondou Nick Was nle Wilder Larochelle and Art Lesleur on nu (bi At Detroit: Detroit Olympics London 7 99 96 34 99 83 Average Miffin 88 88 112 104 83 83 123 87 130 104 110 89 91 Kozak If Canning rf Levy rf Lagunawich Grodsky 1g Krp rg 87 110 S3 76 103 Long TLong Adamiak Donoghue Tomczyk Maqk three $GvO lALbraca rg inn Leano rf Cyran If 94 82 88 74 87 Pl 410 470 I Stars 0 0 1 4 neighbor in almost any crowd from Chicago to Qairo and youll find be in common with 84 jDesjardin 119'Shean 110 Houlihan 98 iGourley 81 iPeterson for Durocher In 6th for Eckert in 6th for rey in 9th 2 0 4 3 83 87 96 93 65 83 93 110 Average Pease itzgerald Baldwin MacLaren (Clapper) 629 IQ 26 Penalties Mantha Lara St PI 810 530 600 Willard Murphy Hoey Clark Caron Lawrence 102 89 87 117 94 101 ivy 96 88 78 84 67 77 59 77 55 93 84 Boston Weiland Wasnie 2 Shore 475 3 87 96 Boston March 24 The crowd took Its time coming to the picturesque plant called Boston garden Twenty minutes before game time vacant seats stared one in the face At 830 game time empty seats were less numerous than co eds who some movie hero as a mental beau 17 2 Murphy under the sun Gillette means the standard of razor blade quality Purchase Gillettes in toy corner of the globe and you will get blades year olds end 3 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 0 40 Bednar and inney 81 78 82 79 84 68 86 91 101 84 82 83 2 9 0 0 8 12 1 Holshouser iwmnj 89 90 98 87 104 When the Boston Bruins started this play off series tonight it made the fifth time the clubg'vas formed seven years ago that the Hub entry has figured in the National Hockey league playoff series 80 I oley 84 (Lefevre 83 Bishop 96 (Rogers 69 74 89 92 310 Korchlnski If Coates arrell rf KorcJiinsKI rf Schmidt A key 1g MHJer 97 95 96 74 94 91 76 71 83 78 Sh 320 220 280 Des Harris rg Alex rg Bitters 1g Salwayt Alex Harris Thompson rf Landry If 73 56 96 85 77 SO 90 84 82 96 111 96 81 80 88 100 75 75 92 62 86 80 5 27 Time 10 niinute pe 96 87 96 93 117 111 97 9q 432 423 No and was 513 ive 3 79 97 85 94 95 75 60 87 57 88 97 yi 3 Kiquette Paquette Kidnay Blaney 80 85 S3 96 IBowIer 87 89 93 119 98 82 87 95 101 83 85 83 86 71 440 Pete 3 96 89 87 89 101 0 2 RMorisi 1 1 99 JWllHams 81 Cooper 72 jl 4L 8 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 tional leaguer's starting hurler had yielded 11 runs on six hits in four in nings Andy Bednar went in and closed home plate to tte locals Suhr of Pittsburg and Sta'tz of Los Angeles mt home runs nings: oo 68 105 108 1)5 89 80 85 84 70 83 Tiger Hurlers Star San Diego Cal March 24 (AP) Tom Bridges former strikeout king of the Three Eye league held the Pacific Coast league champions of last year to three hits in six innings while Elon Hogsett allowed only one in the concluding three innings and the' Detroit Tigers defeated Hollywood 5 to 2 in an exhibition game today The score: Sh i 480 320 460 Su NlhU 112 103 RACE S700 60 75 108 SO your neighborhood store at home This why every crowd is a Gillette crowd the world e4 st Pl 1620 540 280 Diickellct Martell Iee If 5Vhitney3 1 lurat 1 riberg3 Arlettr Davte Stoner JEHlQttp 105 94 104 82 100 77 82 79 1 16 78 ludlaniipolls In loth St Petersburg la March AP) or the second consecutive dhy Indianapolis and the Now York Yankees battled into extra innings to day and again the American associa tion club won The score was 10 to 8 Indianapolis scoring twice in the IQth on a base on balls and Bill home run Charlie Ruffing attempted to go nine innings but wilted in the ninth and allowed the minor league aggre gation to count two runs Phil Wein ert was in the box when the two runs crossed the plate In the 10th Nar homer was the second of the day Len Koenecke having put Indi anapolis back in the running in the eighth with a four base clout Babe Ruth contributed two singles $nl was given a base on balls as his part of the 12 hit attack The score by Innings: (AA)t 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 New York (AL) 13 3 0 10 0 0 BattertaR Cvenrrns Boone Mulrooney and Angley Riddle Weinert and Dlcwey 21 2 44 Demchuk centxxyy the majority Ju every country depended on thia blade foe the utmost in shaving Comfort and yaasfaction Intetnatkmal'leadership 142 5 wraiey' Carrol Buck Pelton Campbell 8V 118 nn 5600 1 1 16 miles 1297 Robinson Kenney Wingate Jones Sanborn Pouga If eddo If PShrude rf Wilson Sullivan Ig HShrude rg Walker rg 81 99 71 123 St Louis (NL) Columbus (AA) 02000030 2 Batteries Johnson Hallahan and Wilson Mancuso Beckman Baker and IBnkleSelmer the box Hi to on a more striking comes along fleet and smart workmen picked up one while Shore and Gainor of Boston consoled themselves in the cell and Joliat of Les Canadiens sat along with them! Thompson offeree) a most commendable save' of shot before that red jer gied defense man came down the Ice a second time Owen anJ Hitghmftn tried valiently to check this three man foray only to have Mantha cage the puck at 245 after a brisk scrimmage Jplgit bo sooner returned to the ice than a second infraction sent him back to the bastile This latest ban ishment of Joliat gave the Bryins a notion the contest was not beyond re demption The husky shore and an aggressive I Boston Road 1 If 1 0 408 T5 A 92 a8 93 88 69 98 97 94 93 100 439 Gas Light 0 9691 94 66 Hurl Phils to Win 0 Gardena 2 SO 88 98 113 98 If ni tie Parawtck Gren Beana Hifh Coupled) set of forwards threw caution to the winds and authored a damaging rush Shore put the play in motion carrying along the right hand rail His long shot wenjt astray but Dit Clapper raced to the bouncing rubber and returned it to Shore whose busi ness like shot from in front of the net gave Jlainsworth no chance The tally came at 349 and made the score read 4 to 3 in favor of Les Canadiens Soon the home team had the visi tors reduced still further All the ath letes cavorted about the glossy sur face at the time the Bruins' dyna mite line manufactured the claqssiest goal of the engagement Clapper car ried in a straight line for the Mont real points Before he reached Leduc and Burke Dit halted and forward passed expertly to Weiland as the popular center swept in from the left Weiland connected with the pass on schedule and fired the rubber by the helpless Hainsworth at 629 Needing one goal to make the score read 4 to 4 the Bruins Increased their efforts and their determination Just as soon as Mantha ran afoul of the code for tripping Beattie as weaved his way smoothly into scoring position they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ittingly enough the tying score came' from the stick of George Owen Bruin defense man whose football exploits still talked abotit at Cambridge The Bruins kept the rubber around the Canadian goal for at least a min ute as the adversaries participated in the most sustained skirmish of the night Eventually Owen got a shot at the rubber and slid it across the scor ing line as struggling players clouded the vision of Hainsworth Marfy Bar I (NL) po a 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 89 96 116 81 119 4S6 52 54s Orch 96 92 87 93 94 67 94 Wt St Pl Repeaters 3 jenness Williams SanderjSQTi Rattman 99 467 461 1nfaU Match i WHZ Jrs 1379 123 102 96 IManningr 73 78 83 r36PMorisi 4 94 85 96 81 75 75 93 93 490 500 114 79 88 87 84 the American intercollegiate A 335 a I 00100000 1 Davis 0 93 91 76 81 89 Tearq Burnett Garvey Murphy Martell Hill po 2 1 1 3 9 3 3 5 1 0 0 0 Leduc and Clapper became involved in such a strenuduA head on collision in the overtime period that Leduc sustained a nasty cut over his right eyebrow and had to leave the conflict 91 82 102 127 86 95 fv THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD 'MASS: WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 1931 4S7 Willim 0 St Cyr SAMMY KROUSS TAKES HONORS 84 Referee Rockford riods RHE Detroit 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 Hollywood 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 Bridges Hogsett and Grab owski Shellenbach Johns and Bassler Mayer Triple A (American) League Gilbert 2 1 Ind 1 Cloutier Wolcltt Hatch Loomis Kravitz el ab 3 OiRoettgerl 2 A iCIrlnn 1 OiCulIopcf 1 lKlstler1 biqjtertp tucas Asbyt German rappier Opposes Jack Washburn in Main Go Tuesday Heslin and Man ich in Semifinal Hups Steinke German oak returns to the Auditorium wrestling canvas Tuesday night of next week' accord ing to an announcement made last night by Jim Barnas loca) tyfestjing promoter Steinke who appeared in this city earlier in the season in a victorious tussle will have a collegian new to this section as an opponent His rival will be Jack Washburn 220 poundcr who made an enviable repu tation as a football player while a stu dent at thq University of California When Steinke first appeared in this city a couple of months ago his op ponent lacked sufficient weight to give him a real tussle This Washburn has plenty of avoirdupois about tje same number of )ounds as Steinke and should able to test the Teuton to the limit Washburn has been do ing most of his wrestling on the coast and is said to be a real comer Steinke and Washburn are down for a finish bout best two out of three falls Barnes also announced his semi final which lists Jim Heslin Aus tralian champion and George Manich Both Hpslin and Manich are known to mat fans of this section because of previous appearances Both are about evenly matched as to hight weight aud ability and should furnish a merry tussle They will go one fall to a finish Two other scraps also are in the making will be announced tomorrow Lika the many other collet wres tlers chief forte is the flying tackle He uses it continually and is said to butt opponents just as hard as Joe Savoldi former Univer sity of Dame star This prob ably will not be good news to Steinke as the Teuton has shown that he does not like to be butted by the tackles His stomach is not unite tough enough to stand these heavy thumps If they are dealt out continually and that is Just' what Washburn expects to do Arnold Print Star Judged Most Valuable Player in Hoop Tourney North Adams March 24 Sammy Krouss veteran local bqsketbail per former was judged the most valuable player who participated the recent Berkshire County Dusty championship tournament here The committee had little difficulty reaching its decision for his work with the champion Arnold Print works five of this city was standing especially in the final game with tbc Pittsfield Victors Krouss g'ot his start in basketball with the Drury some years ago and since that time he has played with the A the A and the Veterans of oreign Wyirs all of this city in different seasons The following All Tournament team was chosen by the orwards Montgomery of Arnold and Van Valkenberg of Berkshire Cotton center Bruno of Motors guards Krouss of Arnold and Kopec of Berkshire Cotton substitutes Mamelin of Arnold Shutte of Gen eral Electrics and Koza of Motors The tournament this year brought out some of the keenest competition since the event was first introduced a few years ago all the semifinal and final games being closely fought from Start to finish Incidentally it was the fourth time in which the Arnold Print works of this city has copped the Dusty cham pionship The local titleholders took the floor with a team which was com posed largely of members of the crack Co five of this city Sh 600 700 1020 Tnvde Vikinp Every Way Kilauea Geheim Tea find tlhaoto SECOND RACE Three fourtha three yeaii olds and up claiming puree i inie 112 Horse and Jockey 463 VT3Z 1 Messer Young and asce to Toot Whistles in Pittsfielc Games Pittsfield March 24 Officials for the fifth annual Catholic scholastic basketball tournament to be conduct ed by the Ar at the armory Thursday riday and Saturday nights will be Guerdon Messer of Williams college James Young of Adams and Dr Charles asce of Albany all of whom have figured in other tourneys here On Thursday afternoon at 445 the committee will give a dinner at the A building to the coaches and officials at which time rules of the tournament will be ex plained PrizesVill be awarded to the teams finishing first second and third to the most valuable player to members of the all tournament team to mem bers of thq team winning the cham pionship to the player making the smallest number of fouls to the player having the most points on free tries and to the highest scorer iij the tour nament Indications are that large crowds will be on hand all three nights All seats will be reserved as bleachers owned by the city have been installed at the armory and numbered St High of itchburg which is to play St Joseph's High of this city in the third game Thursday night recently defeated St High of Manchester 23 to 13 at itchburg St was runner up in the New Hampshire tournament having been defeated by Dover "8 to 27 in the final game of the tourna ment Brown Trap Victor 1 In St Event St Johns Park la March 24 Brown Trap flashing the red and white silks of the Mayrose stable drove to a clever victory in the fea ture Silver Springs purse here this afternoon Don Lyons took him to tjie top midway in the mile and sixteenth test and he fought off a bold belated challenge of'Ladrone through the last straightaway to win by a length and a nan tsiucn Dineen was third Bounding Deep the favorite fourth in the field of six Ladrone was a hot paddock tip his odds tumbled sharolv from thirties to 13 to 1 in a heavy last tninute plunge Unfortunately for his supporters he was bumped leaving the barrier tout in the latter stages he closed an immense gap to get within striking distance Ladrone was claimed "'out of the feature by Wingfield for $3000 The horsem*n today presented a pe tion to General Manager Martin Mad den to extend the meeting for another week He wifi make decision tomorrow 325 Teague 487 ive 2 108 81 118 92 109 434 Schacht Johnson 'Tie Biloxi Miss March (APL A1 Schacht the American coach ing box clown today made good on a training camp boast he would shut out Senator regulars in the first inning of their battle with the sec ond team Schacht pitching against Manager Walter Johnson let the regulars down with four hits in a five inning game that ended 1 to 1 and struck out two but walked four Johnson struck out two walked one and yielded but four hits one a home run by Rice in' the first Baltimore will invade Biloxi tomorrow for the fifth meeting of their exhibition series with the The score by innings irst Team 0 0 0 Second Team 1 0 Johnson and Spencer Schacht and Bolton 504 2 108 93 82 90 102 March (AP) Harlow Rothert American college star from Stanford bettered the Aus tralian record today 'in the shotput with a toss pf 9 5 inches He also won the javelin throw with a mark of 179 feet 214 inchee Rothert noios a a a shotput regerd of 52 men three year olds and up 149 4 5 Horse and Jockey Brpwn Trap (DLyons) Ladrone (Crltchfleld) Bluoh Dineen ITH 89 105 101 473 511 1 weist Garvey nox Hathaway Petronino ry and Weiland got assistance on this goal which came at 1046 'Through the remainder of the riod the teams battled bitterly but the evidently had ordained an overtime session for the appreciative customers Struggle as they would the tennis could not gather the deci sive goal in the remaining time They strolled to their dressing rooms tied at 4 all at the conclusion of 60 ex citing minutes They had the railroads put back the running time of trains to Lowell and lawrence so remote seemed the idea of a score until Sylvlo Mantha de fense man on the Canadiens com mitted an illegality that sent him to the bastile Earlier sentences to Was nie had made the Montreal athletes cautious Thompson did the rest when Cecil Hart's clan i had full strength gem of the evening came in this period when he turned aside a shot by Wilder Laro chelle under conditions enough to make any goalie silly So many par ticipant's stormed In front of Thomp son that it didp't seem possible he could see the flying rubber Hainsworth had done his part in inc Lanaciicn catre ior mora minutes and Marty Burke hfl t) contrib uted the finest stick check of the night (slapping the "rubber right off the club of Marty Barry as he pre pared to golf a shot from very close range) beforg the end came The finish had a strangg pattern and one sufficiently exasperating to cause the Canadiens to set up a com plaint to the referees Taking ad vantage ofS enforced sence the Bruins sent considerable strength up the ice in an effort to score Marty Barry took a shot which Hainsworth halted The visiting goalie thei) lifted the puck into the air Weiland raised his hand to check the floating disk batted it to the ice and then golfed it across the scor ing mark at 1856 The Canadiens hustled to the referees who turned a deaf ear to their arguments BOSTON BRUINS LES QANADIENS Thompson Hainsworth Hitchman Id Id Burke Shore rd rd Mantha Welland Morenz Barry Iw lw Joliat Clapper rw rw Gagnon Score Bruins 5 Canadiens 4 irst period No scoring Penalties: Gal braith Mantha Clapper Burke Second period 1 Canadians Gagnon (Mo renz) 523 2 Canadiens Wesnie (Leduc) 626 3 Boston Clapper (Owen and Weiland) 1734 4 Canadiens Burke (Morenz) 1908 Penalty: Shore Third 5 Canadiens Mantha (Morenz) 245 6 Boston Shore (Clapper) 319: i Boston euana Boston Owefi (Barry) Joliat 2 Galnpr Shore chelle Clapper Overtime 9 (Shore) 1356 Penalties: Spares Boston? Gainor Bealtle Oliver Own Galbraith Lyons Chapman Darrayh es Canadiens: Lepine Larochelle Ieduc Wasnie Mondou Lesieur Mantha Rivers Referees Ion and Hewitson Buffs Beat Browns ort Lauderdale la March 2 1 (AP) Phil young Browns out batted the Buffalo Bisons of the In ternational league this afternoop 10 hits to si and played a snappy game in the field but they had to push over a run in the ninth to avoid their first shutout of the season the minor leaguers winning 3 to 1 The Bisons took full advantage of their hits Two singles and an infield out producedx a run in the fourth Ralph Shinners once with the Cardi nals hit a home run in the eighth uno score oy Buffalo (IL) St Louis (AL) Batteries Michaels Bergeron Gould Crouse Pytlak Gray Hebert Presnell Crouch Yale A A Gives Out Winter Sports Letters New Haven Ct March 24 (AP) The Yale Athletic association today announced the award of 13S letters in hockey basketball boxing wrestling and squash racquets for the winter sports season Awards in swimming water polo pony polo and fencing for this season have yet to be voted on Of the 138 awards IS were the ma jor given to the 16 members of the championship hockey squad and to two winners of intercollegiate wrestling championships Players in the other sports received the minor Albie Booth diminutive quar terback next year's grid captain and star of the baseball and basketball squads received the minor for basketball This is his fifth athletic letter Pa 1442 nroairta JIlusso Murphy Roger WBU J363 xiapnipg ji)2 Glover 92 Allwood 93 JWilliams 93 cooper League Harding 0 io Lynch Holmes Misc 95 (Allen 80Haj4ns Giants Grab Game San Antonio Tex March 24 (AP) Johnny Vergez the "Oakland (Cal) recruit who is slated to hold down third base for the Giants and Bill Terry veteran first sacker led the jifcw York National league club to a 7 ta 3 victory over San Antonio of thW Texas league today Vergez collected a home run and two singles one with the bases load ed and Terry connected with a trio of singles Joe Heying and Harold Schumacher combined to hold the Texas nine to eight hits while the Giants collected 12 off Ted Blanken ship a White Sox castoff and old Tom Estell a spit ball pitcher The score by New York (XL) 032 San Antonio (TL) 0 10 Heving Schumacher and lell Blankenship Eatell and Heath Butler Pittsburg i 1 Los Angeles 5 2 Batteries Bneneer Shealy Sabella Moncrief and Schulte 357 Deuces 1 94 Carroll 79 Sherman 83 Jack 85 Cards Conquer Columbus Bradenton la March The St Louis Cardinals scored a 6 to 5 victory over the Columbus team of the American association in an exhi bition game here this afternoon A two run rally in the ninth inning after two were out gave the Jled Birds the game With two out Wat kins walked and stole second Then risch singled to tie the score A hit by Collins and wild throw of roller ended the game The score by innings: Blit Shea ot Springfield whose vocation Is selling funeral fixtures sat among the throng tonight Those of you who follow the Springfield Indians know that Shea dotes on hockey SHOTPUT EC 0 Begs Routed Havana March 24 (AP) Bunch ing their hits in three innings Brook second team defeated regu lars 6 to 2 in the fourth game of the intraclub series today Each team has won two games with the rubber con test of the Cuban series scheduled for tomorrow The second stringers got only one more hit than the first team but sev en of their nine safeties came in the first fifth and sixth innings whpii they scored all of their runs Clyde Day arecruit up from Kansas City held the first team to four hits in the five innings he pitched while Babe Phelps his suc cessor was touched for only three two of which were turned into runs In the eighth The score by innings: Rrnoklyn 2d 300 0 1 2 0 0 9 2 Brooklyn 1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 1 Day Phelps and iclnlch Mat tingly Greene Heiraach and Lopez 2 86 68 93 82 337 365 355 Line inders 3 I Hathaway lagg Donovan Julian Average Treia If Konaraki If Gllmskf rf 8 Treia rf Orzak Treia 1g Lazula 1g Babola rg Glimski rg 351 Connectors 0 71 89 (Continued from however At 1734 Owen carried nearly the length of the rink and left a pass at the feet of Veiland Hainsworth pushed Weiland's shot' a short dis tance away but right in the path? ot Clapper who golfed it into the Jdon treal twine The deafening shout 'set the Bruin supporters no sooner found its last home among the rafters than Manager Cecil Hart's 'from across the again 'a two goal edge Marty Burke playing 'no ticeably fine hockey put a Boston at tack to route and started up the ice accompanied by Howie Morenz and Armand Mondou At the "blue line Burke gave "the puck'to Morenz Howie feinted Shore partly out of po sition then returned the disk to Burke Qwen intervened but a prolonged scrimmage at the mouth of the Bruin goal finally terminated when Burke slid the errant disk across the scoring line at 1 908 The Canadians left the ice holding a 3 to 1 margin at the end of seconq period Third Period or a better demonstration of fact that fL player in the penalty is as valuable as a fountain pen first part of the third period of squabble will serve until Dutch ive Roche Lavelle Joe Jacobs wi st A Borland (Marshall) 116 1100 540 T7m Princess (Schutte) 115 480 Burt Team Scores Winning Runs in Third rame Yankees Giant Split With Minor League Outfits Robin Regulars Lose Yanka 2 Wright Hellwell Trudeau Starzyk Dalton Wt St Pl Ill 2440 SOO 109 420 97 Pl Sh 360 280 380 280 360 LaumaiaV 1 2 34 Time 10 pe Ifftvo Carnival Los Angeles Marell 2 1 (AP) A carnival of run making at an exhibi Otlon game here today ended 16 13 in favor of Pittsburg1 Pirates over Xljog Angeles of the Pacific Coast league After Glenn Spencer the Na 6443 The crowd sent up quite a yell when It was announced that the New York Rangers had beaten the MontreaJ Maroons 5 to 1 at New York Your Rpstonlan forgot how the rugged Maroon the Bruins last year in the playoff series to such an extent that the Bruins fell rather easily before Les Canadiens in the Stanley cup series The contest may have been one of a complicated series to determine the National league champion but It was no different from an ordinary league contest in one respect When Mickey Ion and Bobby Hewltson the referees came on at 825 they were greeted with a few cat calls The first shot of the nisht was made by Marty Barry It proved to be a to flying' high over the Canadian cage ajid into the orow4 where it was taken by a souvenir hunter George Owen great competitive athlete when representing Harvard university 1n three major sports received a swell ovation when he relieved Capt Lionel Hitchman at left defense for the Bruins late in the first period Owen has won his hockey spurs to say the IRST $700 maiden two year olds claiming mlle Time 50 2 5 Horae and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Even (Malley) Hio 380 XJG Cerveza (M Rose) 107 470 Evelyn Barr Hom) 107 20 Also Anny Miss Marine Brandon Beth Tryabit Irish Pearl Anavah Night Edition Dark Altos Deserve SECOND RACE $700 four year olds and up viainniis mne Time 115 st 340 Po SO 75 79 102 86 88 317 360 Aces 2 8 97 82 80 ACE OS fcionel Prun captain checked Mantha spare forward of the Canadiens so shockingly Jn the first period that the latter had to retire to the dressing room for treatment The check was far away from the boards and entirely legal Eddie Shore the Boston strong boy and Sylvlo Mantha had a time of it crashing Into one another during the first 20 min utes The other players soon caught the spirit of these defense huskies Iepine appeared with the Montreal line that had Gagnon and Joliat on the xings almost as often as did Howie Morenz This line came into being during in activity because of a leg injury sustained when the National leaguer was in the last quarter of its 44 game schedule Worthy of note is the fact that every one of the first second and third goals here to night was fashioned by a former Canadian American player Gagnon once of Provi dence got the first for the rench Nick Wasnie once with Newark got the second Montreal tally Boston opening score was made by Clapper a former right winger with the Boston era 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 32 7 24 11 0 0 1 mileuOO Sh 3GU Phil J12 36Q Also Type Seths Queen Right Well Rock Byrd Willow Bramble Betfandot and Westire THIRD RACE 4J4 furlongs two year old maidens allowances purse $809 Time Horse and Joekev Book Maid 115Vera Crofton (Roble) 115 Gallinetta (Munden) 115 Also ran Ebbs Bondalin eretie Jiinuu Jim River and Joe lores OURTH 1 1 16 miles three year olds and up claiming purse G00 Time Horse and Jockey Wt St Dubric (Kernb 440 ield Marshal (Roble) HO lor Dolan (Wimmer) HO Also ran Laddie Starhorn Shasta Pope Athelrain and Mt Elgon ITH Six furlongs three year olds and up claiming purse $800 Time 41 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sir Argo (Trivette) 112 2080 600 Mexican (isher) 9s? 380 Dr Wilson (Pollard) 117 Also Draymont Irfaneh ana tnjtt SIXTH Three wards claiming purse Time 147 1 5 Horse and Jockey Texas Longhorn (Roble Coat Voltacast (Moran) Also ran George Conard Parnell pervlsor Cordon Bleu Thelma Clermont Jr SEVENTH RACE Three year olds and upwards claiming purse $600 1 1 16 miles Horse and Jockey IRST RACE ive eighths mile 1 year olds and up claiming 1 purse Time 101 i Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Capt Devil 105 2000 980 i usarai (tage) 11 Salty (Hollingshead) 115 Also ran Bob Blackbum 99 104 94 93 85? J19 75 CELTS BEAT AKES Greenfield March The Acorns went down to defeat before the Celtics tonight by the count of 36 to 27 The victory for the Celtics evened the count in the series Korchinski was the winners best best scoring J8 of the points The score Acorns 2 8 Cl 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 AT CJVR imperials a 3 1 ALLEYS Telephone League Selectors 6 stewart Youhg Sponfeerg Bv 1 1 1 3 3 0 Horse and Jockey St Pl ah Saratoga Male (Horn) HO 490 330 2 60 1C4tlD1 ma tJJXtttllUH) IVt nonau (HCallahan) 105 srq Also Talky Sturdy Staccato Turn AArt aw nvuugain lEyiijjJUS JCR ACII si Carey Hetty Ann THIRD RACE $700 three year olds up claiming mile 114 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Croyden (Palumbo) 115 690 320 Estin CMadely) 110 290 stupendous (Hanford) 113 Also Monnle Live One Oslo Also Blue Law Muff Bounding Deep OURTH 6900 a i in mues iqme HANS STEINKE ON WRESTLING CARD Social Tjeague Millionaires 1 pMorisi TWilMams RMorisi JWilliams Benson 337 Western (Roll Off Pinfall) Spfld YMCA tioiton Sawyer Gibbons Irving Warner Winter Haven la March 24 irtr'TT A I Cl XT A it The Philadelphia Nationals I Ik 11 II I A I A 1 1 triumphed over major league opposi "1 1 IvlCllAJ ItCIITIIjiIz tion for the first time this season when Lil Stoner and Jim Elliott pitch ed them to a 4 to 1 victory ovcb the Cincinnati Beds today The Phils fell upon Ai Eckert a young1 southpaw for their winning margin in the third inning bunching a double by Spud Davis with triples by Stoner and BricheU for three runs An error by Kistler the substitute first baseman for the Itefis paved the way for an extra run irf the seventh rue PHILLIES (NL) I 0 0 2 0 6 0 Golden Coins Cage) 109 1240 30 Silent Jack (Moore) 107 g20 3 SO Paige 4(b'lshr) 102 8 60 Also Ray Coahuila Circuit Spanieh Llghf Washington Rose Seagyave Ooa tingent Chuno Cotfield Oil teaxue 1 Colonial 1 81 68 87 77 79 392 I 1 IM Jerome 91 69 McDonald 88 ior lormui 1 79 Shelb 92 iJaherty Stoner And Elliott 361 111032 Referee Drennan Time four 10 mlnuU pennas AT CHICOPEE Cyclones Moriarty Wotowlcz 1g Pasterczyk 1g Pa ffterczyk urtek Blanchard rfSullivan If Johnson Markoskl StadtmlUer 117 Wywlorski HO Dzuira 92 Electric Lawjence (4 93 64 71 106 $9 497 467 CHICOPEE ALLS ALLEYS VVetinghouf4c Beans I eague Team No 3 3 Lra rirecque waisn Plant Tighe Deroche LOCAL NINE TO ORGANIZE SUNDAY Possibility that a baseball team will be organized to represent this city on the diamond was an ganization meeting of all girl players interested will held Sunflay aftr ernoon at 21 Merwin "street at 230 The team is expected to be the only female nine in Western Massachusetts and will include many former mem bers of the Chicago (III) and the New York Bloomer girls' nine It is expected to play most of thq games on Sunday afternoons with twilight contests to be played later in the season Already the management of the team has secured the sejviceg of JO players and this is expected to be In creased by the time the lassies report for the opening practice session in a few weeks Miss Lucy Kasper who performed at first base for the Chi cago team last season and rated a5 a fine player has signified her inten tion of playing with this newly 'or ganized nine Miss two sis ters Helen and Lillian both of whom have performed on the diamond qjso will be candidates for berths on the combine Others are Mary Moore Ada Barnes Helen Sherman Mary and Tillie Nienjiec Ida Russo catcher who last season? play ed with the Chicago team MCLARNIN PETROLLE TO IGHT IN NEW YORK New York March 24 The New York state boxing commission today approved a 10 round bout between Jimmy McLarnin of Vancouver and Billy Petrolic argo lightweight at Madlsop Square Garden pn May 8 Tom McArdle Garden matchmaker said he had the verbal consent of managers ot both fighters and expect ed to close the deal soon In a bout here last November McLarnin a 4 1 favorite was floored twice and beaten by Betrolle decisively By consenting to the May match the commission gave tacit exoneration to Petrolie for the suspicions that had been directed toward his recent Vout here with King Tut 29 ti' 27 16 1 hHlles Cincinnati Roette'er Brickell Hurst toner4 Runs batted In Cucclnellp Stoner Briclieli Bartell Davis Two base hits Davis Three base hits Stoner Brickell StrucX out by Stone 3 by El liott 1 Base on balls off Stoner 3 off Eckert 1 off Elliott 1 Double plays Bartell Whitney and riberg Whitney and riberg Durocher and Kistler riberg Bartell and Hurst Sacrifice hit riberg Hits off Eckert 4 In 5 innings off Stoner 6 In 6 innings off rey 2 In 3 Ipnings off Elliott 1 in 3 Innings Win ning pitcher Stoner Losing pitcher Eckert Left on bases Cincinnati 9 htUlea 3 Um pires McLaughlin and Donnelly Time 1 The Roadsters handed the Coupe ag gregation a 3 to 0 beating last night on the WBZ alleys In a Rolls Royce league xnatch All three strings were won by large margins Kuster led the Rodaters with Beck high maple crasher for the Coupes The scores: Roa date 3 Premier Kuster Ollia Rudy Walt Sa 670 390 550 ITH RACE 100 three year qlde imis rime Joi Horae and Jockey Wt St Pl Youijg John (Dajnty) Ill 2200 540 Dea (Watson) 104 320 Dee Johji (Darop) 106 SIXTH $700 tour year olds and up vjauiiiiig ij limes xune 4 DU Horse and Joekey Wt St Elizabeth (RCooper) 109 900 Neck (Horn) 106 Amsterdam fMattiolI) 109 SEVENTH $700 four year old up claiming 14 miles Time 158 xiui 3j aiiu uocKey vv be London Rock (Madely) 106 540 340 240 ezarfi Maney 122V at Calhoun (Dainty) 108 00001060 6 1 00000000 10 1 and and SCiak rg Yitach 1g Ciak 40 Tomczak 8 rf DEGLANE GANSON ON HOLYOKE PROGRAM Holyoke March A semifinal match that is second only in impor tance to the championship tussle be tween Ed George and Wade is scheduled to be fought outj between a pair of towerinr Jack Ganson of California and Henri Deglane of rance in Promoter Ernie wrestling show in the Val ley arena" riday night Deglane in his own right boasts the mat championship of rance and has more than demonstrated his ability as a finished wrestler since coming to' thismuntry nearly two years agc5 On several occasions he has appeared Ui the local ring but it is the first3 time that he has opposed a rival of the strength and endurance ot Ganon? It also has been announced that a chapgg hag been made in the 30 min ute preliminary Count Zarynoff op posing Sailor Arhold otj Cleveland in stead of Harry Mamas of The title match is to be fought to a fipfeh" Club League Bears 1 80 75 100 102 s' PHILLIES SCORE INITIAL TRIUMPH SEASON OVER MAJOR LEAGUE RIVAL A 1 A I I I ILLETI1 I i Bit I Eu aMh MA I 1 fl Bh JI Wt i vmt Jit i if iirn 1 masanr i IT I Jx Jtes I nlwBr 77 EnraMfrlK Vs' A 7 5 7 1 rt Ari ANY with a end iKknowtedged b'a natural tribute Butstandmgfpnfeyand exceptional value i 7ao of unceasing rraeaech tmeosnpromising teat 04 A A A 4 I a' ill JULLJUU JL i 7 A A A "i A' aa a a i Jll Elmwoods 2 1 1 1 101 93 84 Jones 88 88 83 Dudmar 87 85 104' erguson 97 85 78 rese 91 78 101 Camsron S3 91 94 Breitenfeld 94 91 98 Sefton 86 99 88 Peterson 85 95 113 Bertraij 94 93 89 458 442 500 418 456 432 Giants 2 TTarlgan 89 85 75 Barrett 75 90 95 Belisle 103 83 81 Harris 85 89 91 Timmia 83 95 8fi itz 75 85 86 Hosta 91 121 70 Nugent S3 96 85 Bennis 95 119 85McAuslan 85 111 85 461 503 397 403 471 442 Company Publlx ive Losty 92 108 91 Robinson 91 94 120 Johnson 111 103 82 Selffert 100 84 94 Mlles 84 94 78 Driscoll 99 109 98 Casey 102 101 87 Therrien 88 89 87 Johnson 94 94 98 Lacharity 79 78 85 483 500 436 466 4o4 484 81 83 HHaskins 82 92 86 103 83 Glover 76 86 77 92 85 Allwood 90 94 77 80 84 McCraken 88 99 81 83 82 CHaskins 106 88 90 444 432 442 459 ill Hmfall Match 83 90 78 424 453 44G11 436 414 419 101 98 106 2 I 1 Manley 93 77 99 82 6 78 409403 435 Eggleston 71 77 77 IMItchell 74 85 83 No Patrick 85 96 85 IRedonett 86 16 82 70 86 106 Eggleston 83 104 76 lO'Connor 77 76 87 71 71 71 WManley 98 78 101 IDeJongh 102 96 91 79 91 410 432 438 439 421 67 77 79 Millard 71 SO 82 85 114 Treq 79 85 115 82 99 90 elseqtl 91 83 96 83 83 96 Watt 'M 87 83 St 96 Sa Galant! 78 83 90 395 4 V) 461 1 407 418 454 tin.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.