Makler und Immobilienmakler Groningen, Mietwohnungen Groningen (2025)

59 Vermietungsmakler mit Arbeitsbereich "Groningen"

  • Gruno Vastgoed B.V.

    9712NX Groningen

    20 Immobilien in Groningen

    Gruno Vastgoed is specialized in renting out student rooms, group houses, studios and appartements in and around the city of Groningen. Our main goal is to offer you the place that is the best fit by ...

  • Maxx Groningen

    9711NA Groningen

    16 Immobilien in Groningen

    Maxx Properties is a real creative player who starts where others stop.Maxx is an active player in the real estate market.Maxx is professional, resourceful and flexible.Maxx is the trusted ...

  • Groningse Panden Beheer B.V.

    9711CC Groningen

    11 Immobilien in Groningen

    Groningse Panden is the largest propertymanagement office in the city of Groningen. With more than 3000 tenants and hundreds of locations we can provide a wide range of offers for future tenants and ...

  • Tuitman Vastgoed

    9712KP Groningen

    10 Immobilien in Groningen

    I would like to introduce you to Tuitman Vastgoed, a agency Active in Groningen, Drenthe and surroundings. We Caring for an quick and carefree rental cleans your floor (en)as a owner Has also the ...

  • 123Wonen Groningen

    9718JD Groningen

    9 Immobilien in Groningen

    Rental agency Groningen Apartments for rent for short stay or longer stay in Groningen. House for rent Groningen, rooms for rent Groningen, houses for expats, studio's for rent in Groningen.Need ...

  • Xior Student Housing

    5611ZX Eindhoven

    3 Immobilien in Groningen


  • HouseHunting Groningen

    9743AK Groningen

    2 Immobilien in Groningen

    Uw woning verhuren?HouseHunting is dé verhuurmakelaar van Nederland met inmiddels 20 vestigingen in Nederland. Wij helpen u om uw woning snel en veilig te verhuren. Bent u vastgoedbelegger, wilt u ...

  • Rotsvast Groningen

    9711XH Groningen

    2 Immobilien in Groningen

    Rots-Vast Group Groningen Rots-Vast Group started into business in 1989 from a small office in Rotterdam (then known as 'Rotterdams Vastgoed'). Over the years, Rots-Vast Groep has developed into an ...

  • De Noordelijke Verhuur Makelaars

    8911KE Leeuwarden

    2 Immobilien in Groningen

    The Northern hire broker is a rental office, which is active in the rental market in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe.We offer our services in rental, leasing and management of properties.

  • Reinders Makelaars en Adviseurs

    9728BM Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Reinders Makelaars & Adviseurs is een full service kantoor. Wil je je huis verkopen, ben je op zoek naar jouw droomhuis of zoek je iemand die het beheer van jouw vastgoed kan doen? Dan ben je bij ons ...

  • verhuur en beheer

    9743DA Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    ben-s. nl verhuur & beheer is dé specialist in het beheren en verhuren van vastgoed in en rondom Groningen. Als erkende NVM-makelaar zorgen wij voor een maximaal rendement uit uw belegging, zonder ...

  • Bulten Vastgoed

    9711KT Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Bulten Vastgoedmanagement B. V. is sinds 1992 een zeer betrouwbare partner in de huizenbranche. Door de jarenlange ervaring kan er optimaal worden ingespeeld op de Groningse woningmarkt. Dagelijks ...

  • Confides Verhuur

    9711JC Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Confides Verhuur assisteert en begeleidt de huurder naar zijn of haar zoektocht naar een passende woonruimte in de stad Groningen.

  • Ad Hoc Groningen

    9723BE Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Please contact our office, we speak English.

  • I Property Management

    9711HE Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    IPM is a property manager active in the city of Groningen. With its years of experience a realiable partner to start your search for a new home.

  • Noordelijk Woningvastgoed BV

    9702KE Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Since 1993 we have been active in the real estate industry. Small as we are, we can provide a personal approach, which enables us to provide specific advice. Whether for housing or shops and other ...

  • 9712AE Groningen

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Jansen rental & management operates from the heart of Groningen and provides real estate in Groningen, Leeuwarden and surroundings. We provide all services relating to your property and the ...

  • Wooove B.V.

    1062KS Amsterdam

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    Wooove mainly rents newbuildings and apartments of recent construction. The properties are owned by institutional owners (pension funds) and professional investors and are maintained to the most ...

  • ViaDaan

    5612AA Eindhoven

    1 Immobilien in Groningen

    ViaDaan, rent responsibly.ViaDaan stands for mediation between tenants and landlords in the private housing market.HistoryViaDaan was founded in 2017 and is therefore a fresh new player in the ...

  • Steenwell Huisvesting

    9711AP Groningen

    0 Immobilien in Groningen

    Steenwell Huisvesting is gespecialiseerd in het verhuur en beheer van woningen en bedrijfspanden in de omgeving Groningen en Amsterdam.

  • Makler und Immobilienmakler Groningen, Mietwohnungen Groningen (2025)


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    Article information

    Author: Aracelis Kilback

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6709

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Aracelis Kilback

    Birthday: 1994-11-22

    Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

    Phone: +5992291857476

    Job: Legal Officer

    Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

    Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.