Ko Shamo Chickens. Feisty Fowls: The Ultimate Guide - Chicken Pets (2025)

If you’re looking for a hardy, unique, and striking addition to your backyard flock, then the Ko Shamo chicken may be just the bird for you. This Japanese breed is known for its compact, muscular body, broad chest, and game-like characteristics, making it an excellent option for backyard flocks. In this article, we’ll explore everything there is to know about the Ko Shamo chicken, from its history and appearance to its feeding habits and personality. So, let’s get cracking!

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What is a Ko Shamo chicken?

A breed of chicken that hails from Japan, the Ko Shamo is the smaller version of the traditional Shamo, a game bird breed developed over a thousand years ago for cockfighting. Known for its striking appearance, muscular body, broad chest, and red comb and face, this chicken breed is a sight to behold and a force to be reckoned with – thanks to its aggressive and territorial behavior. But don’t let that fool you, they are docile and hardy, and their feathers are often black or dark red. And let’s not forget their egg-cellent egg-laying abilities, producing brown eggs consistently. They can thrive in different climates, making them an excellent option for backyard flocks.

SizeMedium-sized (Roosters: 7-8 pounds, Hens: 6-7 pounds)
Height20-22 inches
Egg-layingGood layers, brown eggs
Feathers colorBlack or dark red
BehaviorAggressive and territorial
PersonalityDocile and hardy
Climate ToleranceAdaptable and hardy
RecognitionRecognized by the Japanese Poultry Association in 1946 and later by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1986

History of Ko Shamo chickens.

The Ko Shamo, also known as the “Small Shamo,” is a more recent development created by breeding the traditional Shamo chicken with other smaller breeds. The Shamo, also known as the Japanese Game, is an ancient Asiatic breed developed in Japan over a thousand years ago, and it’s considered a game bird. The breed was designed to be a fighting bird and used in Japanese cockfighting.

The Ko Shamo was created to be a smaller version of the Shamo and developed during the 20th century. It was created to be a more manageable bird for backyard and exhibition purposes. The breed was first recognized by the Japanese Poultry Association in 1946 and later by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1986.

Ko Shamo chickens weight and height.

Ko Shamo chickens are known for their compact and muscular body and are generally smaller than the traditionalShamo. They are considered medium-sized birds, with roosters weighing around 7-8 pounds and hens around 6-7 pounds. They have a broad chest and a compact body with a height of about 20-22 inches.

Ko Shamo chickens egg information.

Ko Shamo chickens are considered good layers and will lay brown eggs. They are less productive than some other breeds but will lay consistent eggs throughout the year. They will start laying eggs around the age of six months.

Ko Shamo chickens baby chicks.

Ko Shamo chicks are small and fluffy, with downy feathers covering their bodies. They are born with a yellow or orange down, and their coloration and markings can vary depending on the variety of Ko Shamo they belong to. They are active, curious, and full of energy. They quickly start to explore their surroundings and are known to be quite hardy.

Temperament and Appearance of Ko Shamo chickens.

“Feisty and Fun: The Personality of the Ko Shamo Chicken”

Ko Shamo chickens are known for their aggressive and territorial behavior, which makes them well-suited for backyard flocks. They are also known for their striking appearance, compact, muscular body, and broad chest. They have a single comb and a red face and comb. They have a hardy and docile nature, and their feathers are often black or dark red.

Their aggressive behavior can make them difficult to handle, but they can be tamed with proper training and socialization. They are also known to be suitable protectors of their flock, and they will defend their flock against predators.

A Feathered Fashion Statement: The Appearance of theKo Shamo Chicken.

Ko Shamo chickens are known for their striking appearance, compact, muscular body, and broad chest. They have a single comb and a red face and comb. They have a hardy and docile nature, and their feathers are often black or dark red. They have a hardy and docile nature, and their feathers are often black or dark red. They have a blue-green sheen on their feathers, addingto their striking appearance. The hens have a more subdued coloration than the roosters, but both sexes have the same red comb and face.

Feeding Ko Shamo chickens.

“Fueling the Fire: Feeding Your Ko Shamo Chicken”

Ko Shamo chickens require a balanced diet that includes high-quality poultry feed and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as a supplement. They also need access to clean water at all times. It’s essential to provide them with a source of calcium, such as crushed eggshells or oyster shells, to keep their egg-laying abilities in top condition.

In addition to their regular feed, Ko Shamo chickens enjoy foraging for insects and worms, which can be provided by allowing them to free-range in a safe and secure area.

What can Ko Shamo chickens eat and can’t eat?

Ko Shamo chickens can eat fruits and vegetables like leafy greens, carrots, apples, and berries. They also enjoy mealworms and other insects as a protein supplement. It’s essential to avoid giving them foods that are high in fat, such as avocado and sunflower seeds, as this can lead to obesity and health problems. They should also avoid foods toxic to chickens, such as chocolate and caffeine.

Other Interesting Information about Ko Shamo chickens.

“Fowl Fun Facts: More Things to Know about Ko Shamo Chickens”

  • Ko Shamo chickens are known for their ability to fly, despite their compact and muscular body, so providing them with a secure coop and running is essential to prevent them from flying away.
  • They have game-like characteristics and can be trained to participate in shows and competitions, such as flying and agility contests.
  • Ko Shamo chickens are hardy and adaptable birds that can thrive in various climates, making them an excellent option for backyard flocks in different regions.

In conclusion, the Ko Shamo chicken is a unique and striking breed that can make a great addition to any backyard flock. They are known for their compact, muscular body, aggressive and territorial behavior, and striking appearance.

They are also good layers of brown eggs and hardy and adaptable birds. They require a balanced diet and proper care and training to thrive. They can be challenging to handle, but with appropriate training and socialization, they can be tamed. Their game-like characteristics make them suitable for shows and competitions.

If you’re looking for a fun, feisty, and egg-cellent addition to your backyard flock, then the Ko Shamo chicken may be just the bird for you.

Ko Shamo Chickens. Feisty Fowls: The Ultimate Guide - Chicken Pets (2025)


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