Gravity - Space Engineers Wiki (2025)

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Gravity pulls radially

In real life, gravity is an attractive force that matter exercises on matter based upon mass.Gravity in the real world pulls objects together regardless of the distance. However, the strength at which gravity pulls weakens as the distance from the object increases as described with Newton's law of universal gravitation; this strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

Gravity in Space Engineers is limited in range, scales differently and is in other ways simplified. Strong gravity fields may be artificially created without needing a heavy object in their center and their shape is not influenced by the mass distribution.


  • 1 Natural Gravity
  • 2 Artificial Gravity
    • 2.1 Interacting Blocks
  • 3 See Also
  • 4 Updates

Natural Gravity

Natural Gravity is generated by Planets and Moons, they behave similarly to actual gravity and are comparable to the artificial gravity generated by the Spherical Gravity Generator except on a much larger scale. Unlike Artificial Gravity, natural gravity affects all objects - space engineers, items, debris, small ships, large ships, stations, etc. Ships and stations that are not otherwise supported by the planet/moon or held up via thrusters will fall into the planet's surface. Natural Gravity has an adverse effect on the effectiveness of Artificial gravity fields such as Gravity Generators. The strength of Natural gravity at any point is proportional to the distance from the surface of the planet or moon. (Digging very deeply into a planet will actually decrease the gravity.) Natural gravity's strength is not uniform like Artificial gravity, as described in 'Planets'. In addition, Natural Gravity of any kind interferes with the operations of a Jump drive and within the influence of planets or moons, these devices cannot be used until they have left it's influence completely.

Natural Gravity much like all gravity in Space Engineers still do not obey Newtown's third law, meaning that while the planet/moon does attract objects towards it; The planet/moon itself is immobile and will not be affected by gravity at all. Even asteroids placed within the influence of a planet will never fall or otherwise be affected by it. Even other planets and moons placed close enough to each other will be completely unaffected by each other, however due to the combined gravitational effects of both they will exhibit strange gravity i.e. falling up or points where this gravity is cancelled out.

See also: Planet#Gravitational_Field

Artificial Gravity

This article contains information which is outdated and incorrect for the current version. You can help Space Engineers Wiki by updating it.

Artificial Gravity in Space Engineers follows almost none of the real-life laws of physics. The force does not scale with mass nor does it increase as you approach the source (it remains the same throughout the whole field). It can even pull itself, which will be explained in depth later. (See Artificial Mass)

Linear gravity in Space Engineers

Example of multiple vectors of gravity being cancelled out.

Aside from special blocks, the effects of artificial gravity are limited to engineers and free floating items such as ores and components. Force is applied in a certain direction or vector. A HUD element: Gravity HUD exists specifically to provide real-time information to the player about influence of gravity directly affecting the player, assuming they are not using their jetpack. The unit displayed is not mentionned on the HUD, but is N/kg (Before, it was in 'g', considering 1 'g' = 9.81 N/kg). If multiple sources of gravity exist, then all their vectors will be added to together to calculate a direction. This can even be used to cancel each other out or used to trap objects 0in a 'containment field'. It notably does not affect ships, small or large nor does it affect stations or asteroids. It can be either linear (Gravity Generator) or radial (Spherical Gravity Generator). The effects of multiple generators stack, meaning while the maximum that an individual unit can generate is -1 to 1 g several of them can be overlapped in one space to create a field of very high gravity to a virtually unlimited degree.

The linear Gravity Generator is very different compared to how Gravity in real life would actually work, it produces a uniform field of gravity of the same strength and direction throughout the entire field. It does not necessarily pull objects affected towards it or away from it. Even if the object is underneath the generator it will keep falling with equal acceleration and in the same vector or direction it would have above it, it will stop accelerating under the influence of the generator only when its out of range of its field. This is unlike how gravity works in the real world and unlike how the Spherical Gravity Generator works, which operates much closer to how Gravity would work in reality - in fact you can even place objects into orbit around a spherical gravity generator.

Asteroids are notable for their absolute static nature, they neither possess a gravitational field nor are affected by them (with exception to the ores or debris that are dislodged from them) and they are completely immobile, they cannot be moved in anyway. As are the stations that are physically attached to the asteroid. They essentially have infinite mass as their inertial is impossible to overcome, with either Thrusters or Gravity manipulation.

While it does not usually affect Ships and Stations inherently due to how Space Engineers physics work, special blocks (Artificial Mass) attached to ships can be affected and manipulated by gravity. Thereby providing torque or force to an attached ship, enabling to it 'fall' - technically only the block is falling and dragging the ship with it. Despite ships/stations having a mass, as seen on the Ship's cockpit HUD element - this is not affected by artificial gravity. This mass is also known as the inertial mass, as it only affects the inertial property of ships. That is how much force is needed to move around space, larger/heavier ships take more force to stop and get moving while lighter ships require less force to stop and get moving. Conversely, heavier ships hit far harder than lighter ships - as true in real life physics. However in Space Engineers, unlike real life inertial mass and gravitational mass are two separate things; this seen very clearly with the Artificial Mass that has a true mass of 9 544 kg but this value does not affect the force a gravitational field would have on it. Which is only decided by the gravitational mass of a block which for the Artificial Mass would 50 000 kg therefore, a fullly powered Artificial Gravity Generator operating at 1 g (9.81 m/s-2) would generate a force of: 490 000 N (as derived from Newton's second law) on the Artificial Mass. Thereby accelerating it and pulling/pushing any attached to the artifical ship accordingly or producing torque (spinning around an axis). The special artificial gravity in space engineers produced by the generators are themselves not affected by gravity (their own gravity fields or otherwise) and only have their inertial mass as decided by their mass, compared to the artificial mass's gravitational mass which is affected by fields. Due to this Space Engineers can break Newtown's Third law, as there is no equal and opposite force from the Artificial mass on the Gravity Generator (the generator itself is not being pulled or pushed).

This is exactly how Gravity Drive and Gravity-based Torpedos work, by attaching a gravity generator to an artificial mass; A ship can be propelled forward, due to the artificial mass 'falling down' toward the gravity generator and dragging the attached ship - which has the gravity generator on it with the artificial mass. The Artificial mass will never reach the end of the gravity field, since they are attached to each other and will accelerate forever; However, since there is a maximum set velocity in space engineers, it cannot accelerate past 104 m/s.

The Spherical Gravity Generator can be placed at the center of an asteroid to simulate effects similar to a planet due to its radial (spherical) pull.

Interacting Blocks

Gravity Generator Generates a linear uniform field of artificial gravity in a 'downward' direction, decided by the orientation of the block.
Spherical Gravity Generator Generates a spherical uniform field of artificial gravity centered on the generator itself.
Artificial Mass Provides 'mass' that can be manipulated by artificial gravity fields. Requires power.
Space Ball Provides a lighter variable 'mass' similar to an Artificial Mass but also has various properties including bounciness and friction, and requires no power supply.

See Also


As of update 01.169, the Gravity Generator displays the acceleration in its config.

As of update 01.025 there is an artificial mass (AM) block, which when powered is influenced by gravity. Each Artificial Mass block is influenced independently.

As of update 01.076 there is a new Space Ball block, which is self-powered and has variable settings which include: artificial mass, friction and restitution.

Gravity - Space Engineers Wiki (2025)


How do gravity work in space engineers? ›

Natural gravity affects all mobile grids, all players, and all items, within a certain radius around the moon or planet. Gravity is measured in a unit where 1.0 g corresponds to Earth's gravity. Its pull stays constant in a wide area that includes the surface.

Do gravity generators affect ships in space engineers? ›

Gravity Generators affect only: Players who have their jetpack switched off. Floating items (mined ores, tools, dropped components, etc.) Rovers and ships with Artificial Mass blocks.

What is the heaviest thing in space engineers? ›

Gravity Component are the largest and heaviest items in the game.

What is the artificial gravity on ships in space engineers? ›

Gravity Generator is an endgame block that can be added to large-grid ships and stations to provide artificial gravity, so that players can turn off their jetpacks in zero g and walk to conserve hydrogen fuel. Artificial Gravity is also more intuitive than walking with Magnetic Boots.

What is the purpose of gravity in space? ›

Gravity is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps the moon in orbit around Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the seas towards it, causing the ocean tides. Gravity creates stars and planets by pulling together the material from which they are made.

How do engineers use gravity? ›

Engineers have figured out how to use gravity to come up with solutions. It is useful in building a dam or supplying water to a huge amount of people. Gravity can let you tell if a wall is exactly vertical. It also helps if you want to study the surface of Mars, or design play equipment.

Does spinning a ship in space create gravity? ›

In the context of a rotating space station, it is the radial force provided by the spacecraft's hull that acts as centripetal force. Thus, the "gravity" force felt by an object is the centrifugal force perceived in the rotating frame of reference as pointing "downwards" towards the hull.

Do ion thrusters work in gravity space engineers? ›

Space Engineers. Titan gravity is 0.25g. Can I use ion thrusters? You can use ion thrusters ANYWHERE.

Does weight affect propulsion in space? ›

On earth, a rocket needs to produce more thrust than its weight in order to go to space but does this rule apply in space? No. But you need useful acceleration, for example to take advantage of the Oberth effect, as stated above.

Is Space Engineers endless? ›

Featuring both creative and survival modes, there is no limit to what can be built, utilized and explored.

Is there a world size limit in Space Engineers? ›

Limit World Size

By default, the Star System size is unlimited and grows as far as the players fly. You can choose to limit the world size to a cube with a side length of 10, 20, 50, or 100 km.

What is the biggest thing imaginable in space? ›

The Shapley supercluster is thought to be the largest at around 650 million lightyears, while the Laniakea supercluster (which contains the Milky Way and therefore us) is not far behind at 520 million lightyears. These are the biggest things in the Universe we currently know of.

What is the gravity of the moon in space engineers? ›

Gravity: 0.25 g = 2.45 m/s. Max Altitude with Gravity: 2,678 meters.

Is grav drive possible? ›

Gravity drives have been around for decades, and the technology has evolved and advanced over time. There are currently four types of gravity drives still in service: Type I: Can create jump points, but not gravity shields, and cannot be used for propulsion.

What is the gravity of Mars in space engineers? ›

Gravity: 0.90 G ~ 8.82 m/s. Max Gravity altitude: 39,311 Meters 0.05 G.

How does gravity work on the Starship Enterprise? ›

It's best to think of gravitons simply as a hand-wavy explanation of how the ship's gravity-producing components are powered. Several bits of tech put these gravitons to work, including an artificial gravity generator, which has a graviton stabilizer inside to modulate the levels of gravity produced.

How does gravity work work? ›

Newton's law stated that every object in the universe with mass attracts every other object in the universe that has mass. This force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

How do they turn on gravity in space? ›

The only known way to create artificial gravity it to supply a force on an astronaut that produces the same acceleration as on the surface of earth: 9.8 meters/sec2 or 32 feet/sec2. This can be done with bungee chords, body restraints or by spinning the spacecraft fast enough to create enough centrifugal acceleration.


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