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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community

JAN 1991 Vol. 1-1 --•••••••••-•••••••••a•••••-••••••••••••••••••

der gast

As a guest in your home. I shall ::-eceive a warm welcome--as is traditional in a Yiddish home. Each month I shall bring news of who are the interested people. and what. where, and when are their activities:

Let me now introduce myself. I am der bay (The B ay Area Yiddishist) I've been w.mdertng around your beautiful Bay Area for a long time and enjoying the sights, but it's time now to get to work.

Actually, I'll be a good guest. I won't . eat at your dinner table. I won't need an entire bedroom, for I don't sleep. Most important I won't use much water. I know you have a water shortage.

On the other hand don't think you can ignore me, for I will take a little of your time each month. Please tell me what you and your group are doing and I'll tell it to fishl so he can have me spread the word..

M1ybe you should keep me because this is the # 1 issue, and it is a very limited one. Since I'm very young, I'm not very big and don't know very much, but I hope you'll help me You can make all the copies you wa--:it. , The blue s ignature on the bottom shows the origil).ai. ·

Maybe you could even write a little story or a poem for me. If there's enough room, it'll be put in a corner. So why don't you put me down and send fishl a sharp copy in "eynglish" or transliteration. He'll even take a hand-written cop~ if it reproduces well. zeyer a sheynem dank.

der kalendar

JANUARY 23rd, Wed.. Marin JCC Instructor K<"n Blady

Beginning Yiddish Classes. 7:00 PM 29th. Tues .. SFJCC, Instructor Harvey Varga

Beginning Yiddish. 8 Classes, 7:00 PM Conversational Yiddish 8: 15 PM

30th, Weds .. 7:30 PM, Berkeley/Rich. JCC •singing Yiddish Songs" _6 Classes with Gerry Tenney

FEBRUARY 3rd, Sunday, 2:30 PM, San Francisco JCC

Jewish Folk Chorus Concert · 3rd. Sunday. 10 AM. Brotherhood Way JCC

Bay Arce. Jewish Educators' Conf. 5th, Tuesday, College of San Mateo

•coming to America• - Course "Jewish Humor" - Course

9th. Saturday, 8:00 PM, Berkeley/Rich. JCC Comedy Night, •Darryl Henriques Has a Bar Mitzvah• ·· ·

9th. Saturday, Dance Palace, Point Reyes Traveling Yiddish Theater •Excerpts from Snake Talk9

10th, Sunday, 2:00 PM Marin JCC Yiddish Club Of Marin. 415-383-3207

14th, Thurs., 1:00 PM Temple Beth El 50+ Club, •A Jewish Storyteller: The Yiddish Connection•, Fishl

21st.· Thursday, 1:30 PM. Peninsula JCC Yiddish Club Meeting, 415-349-6946

MARCH 2nd. Sat.. 7:30 •ku*msit:z at the Goldins•

Potluck. Sing-along starts 9:00 PM Call 415-461-60901

3rd, SWl., A L Schultz JCC, Purim Concert Featuring the Yiddish Choristers

9th. Saturday, 8:00 PM. Berkeley/Rich. JCC Larry Kassin, Intl Music., with "Songs of the Jewish Resistance Fighters.•

APRIL . 28th. Sunday; 2:00 PM. San Francisco JCC

A Tribute to Sholom Aleichem MAY 4th &: 5th, A L Schultz JCC, "World of

Sholom Aleichem: A Yiddish Festival• 6th thru 11th Berkeley/Richmond JCC

Sholom Aleichem 75th Yahrzeit Weck

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Congregation Beth Am of Los Altos is fortunate in having Layah Laks a s its yidish Jehrerin. The class has a varied collection of Yiddish roots: Lithuanian. Rou.manian. Russian, and Polish. The age ranges from thirty to seventy-five years.

Layah's philosophy is •oo not throw anything awav'. Where else can they have such a varietv of dial~cts? However, the class is taught strictly in· the literarv Yiddish (Vilner). Another characteristic of the ciass is that all levels of proficiency are accommodated, including beginners. This is particularly beneficial to the onheybers.

All areas of speaking, writing. and reatling- in both transliteration as well as with the p~inted Yiddish alphabet. Everyone progresses at his/her own rate learning grammar. proverbs and songs in the first hour. During the latter part of the evening, Yiddish literature is read in Yiddish featuring such familiar names as Sholom Aleichem and I. L. Peretz.

By far the most enjoyable portion of the class is the ten minute break to enjoy a glczele fey (a glass of tea) and Layah's wonderful home-baked goodies. This is a time for sharing with classmates.

An added bonus is Yoisef, Lavah's husband. who faithfully attends each class a·nd is a treasure of Yiddish knowledge in his own right as well as a rich source of stories and anecdotes of the old country.

At the end of each term there is a Yiddish party at one of the homes with plenty of good food, Yiddish songs, stories or film. Spouses are invited and a true family ambience is formed Layah can be contacted at 415-886-1888.

I Believe

My generation should perpetuate Yiddish. Others wish to perpetuate Yiddish I wish to perpetuate Yiddish I love Yiddish

I want to hear the language oT my parents. ·I love Yiddish songs. stories and shows. I can help to keep Yiddish vital Yiddish is a beautiful language.

It is easier to listen than to speak. It is easier to speak than to rea d. It is easier to read than to write. It is easier to write than be creative.

l must speak Yiddish I will list en to Yiddish I wish to read Yiddish I may wish to write Yiddish.


Melody: "80 is er in 70 is sle"

Ich hob Dich Iieb, Ich soll a soi leben. Chwolt my neshume far Dir gegeben. Nor ein sach will ich fin Dir: Fershreib Dein Bankbichel zu mir.

Ich well oif meine haend Dich trugen. In sich mit Deine szonem shlugen. Nor ein sach will ich fin Dir: Fershreib Dein hous, wiebald zu mir.

Chwell jeden tug Dir blimlach bringen In far Dir sheine Iiedlach singen. Nor ein sach will ich fin Dir: Dein Cadillac. fermach zu mir.

Di megst shoin sein a m isse Yente. Wi lang Di host meszumen plenty. Nor ein s a ch will ich fin Dir: Los iber Dein fermeg zu mir.

Bei mir bist Du a moid a shene. Mit Dein hoiker in falshe zehne. Nor e in sach will ich fin Dir: Du sollst fin hinten gein fin mir.

Ich well Dir weisen neie welten. Dich ubhiten fin alle kelten. Nor ein s a ch will ich fin Dir: As met darfen gein, sollst Di gein frier.

Wenn ein shein meidel wet mich wellen . Will ich mit ihr a chippe stellen. Nor ein sach will ich fin Dir: Du sollst Dich uptsheppen fin mir.

Der emes is. in 1hr werd fin quellen. Ich sich a Balabusste. a si soll mir gefellen. Nor ein sach will ich fin ihr: Si soll sich aeltern zisam mit mir-..


Foothill College Di.,,ision of Life Long Learnin g. and the Emeritus Institute of CSM are offe ring cow-ses in Yiddis h Lit erature. These cow-ses a rc designed for the older adults, often with a minimal knowledge o f Yiddish Many are now seeking, within their roo ts . a historical perspective. and a deeper under s tanding o f their cultural heritage.

The instructor, Clara W. Sumpf. has taugh t Yiddish classes at Stanford University. DeAnza and Foo thill Colleges. For more information call Emeritus Institute at CSM 415-574-619Y. F o r L i fe long Learning a t Foothill College call 415-354-8 388.

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Well, you read this far. You have to admit, that for the subscription rate, it's the best bargain since the nickel pickle. So where do we go from here?

"You can't stop an idea whose time has come.'' Listening to the very strong encouragement on the phone calls received. on our venture with goyem, it's full steam ahead. Likewise the extremely positive letters are a lasting tribute to our effort

Yes, there are very few small pockets of Jews in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. but the gems who are sprinkled around comprise a remarkable source of interest, enthusiasm. talent, and knowledge.

Berkeley has a national reputation for its "Klez' bands. Three excellent Yiddish folk choruses are located in; San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Berkeley. Likewis while the national list of Yiddish courses showed only two in our area. there are now eight When they were contacted, none of the Yiddish teachers new of the existence of more than three of the other Yiddish courses.

New Yiddish clubs are being formed on the Peninsula, and there is a resurgence of interest in the mame-Joshn • Perhaps the greatest surprise to fish! was the response by the faculty at our local universities. Fifty­three Faculty, and the Hillel Directors are included in the supporters for th_is venture.

From here on i.t is hoped that the lL,@tt@:r 1t@ 1tful@ ffi;cdlfi1t@ll' column will be an important clearinghouse of opinions on where we are heading in , our ques.t to revi tc1,lize Yiddish. Please send your constructive· criticism or better yet your "feedback" to fishl

Original articles in English. transliteration or Yiddish will be accepted. Have them in 3.5 inch columns. See you next month

Zeyde & Yingl

S Grandpa could you tell me what's this thing they call a resolution?

G I'd say it's something you say. It's like when you make a promise. Folks usually make them at the beginning of the year.

S Oh. G Sonny. is there any special reason why you asked

me that question? Did you hear someone use that word?

S Yesterday. after we finished dinner, we all went into the den to watch TV. I heard mommy 'n daddy saying something and then make a New Year's resolution.

G Is that so? What did mommy 'n daddy say? Do you remember their exact words?

S They said they'd try to do something in Yiddish at least once a month.

G ·That's really very nice. When mommy was your age we visited my daddy and mommy and they spoke Yiddish.

S Grandpa. I think I'm gonna make a resolution Do you think it's OK for little kids to make a resolution ?

G Sonny, would you like to tell ml! what your resolution will be? I really very much would like to know.

S Sure. I don't mind at all From now on I'm not gonna fight with my sister Irene--unless she starts it first

G That's nice, Sonny. You know you just had a fight with her just a short while before we started to talk.

S I know, Grandpa, but when mommy 'n daddy aren't looking she always starts it first

G Oh G Do you mind if I tell your bubbie what your

resolution is? S I guess it's OK S Grandpa, now that I told you about my resolution.

could · ya tell me--did ya make a New Year's Resolution?

G Yes. as a matter of fact I actually did make one .. S Would ya mind telling me what ya promised to do

different this year? G Of course, I'll tell you. I promised myself and bubbie

that l'd join a Yiddish Club or take a Yiddish class to keep Yiddish alive.

S Tell me grandpa, did you make that exact same resolution this time last year, just like mommy 'n daddy did?

G Hmm. as I recall it just so happens that I did S Well if ya didn't keep it last year, what makes ya

think you're gonna keep it this year? G Sonny. that's a good question!


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Yiddish/Klezmer Bands

org First

Limonim Band Werner & Roberta Klezmania of San Franciscc Ben Serenade Band Rick Band of Gold Gordon Nigun Tric Victor Rick Fishel Rick The Klezmer Maniax Kaila Ellis Island Band Carol New Klezmer Trio Ben Zeitgeist Band David Julian The Katsmans Olya&Alex Simcha Orchestra Elliot Kopyiovsky On Violin Larisa Kle?1l'la.I1ia.cs Marls., Hatsegana Band Nada. Hot Borscht Band Jonathan Anatoliy Makline Band Anatoliy Black Sea Band Sveta Touristan Steve Hotzeplotz Dan Milk & Honey Doren California Klezrner Band Gerry The Klezmorirn Donald Misha's Band Misha

de r ba"9 Newsletter c/ o Philip 'fishl' Kutner 1128 Tanglewood Way San Mateo, CA 94403

Last City Phone

Berg Santa Rosa 707-527-8015 BrusseU San Francisco 415-751-4521 Concofl Occidental 707-874-3052 Fel.E San Francisco 415-469-5633 Fink Oakland 415-482-3222 Fishel El Granada 415-726-7619 F1exer Oakland 415-832-2818 Ginsburg .Alrnny 415-524--3293 Goldberg Richmond 415-237-5359 Grey Oakland 415-530-7976 Katsman Hayward 415-581-5801 Kenin Oakland 415-655-3024 Kopyiovsky San Francisco 415-566-9423 ~ Felton 408-338-7283 Lewis Richmond 415-234-1727 L,oo Berkeley 415-841-131 l Makhlin San Francisco 415-469-9824 Obolsky San Jose 408-248-1275 Saxon Piedmont 415-268-9354 Seamans Berkeley 415-547-8555 Shapira DalyCicy 415-878-9793 Tenney Oakland 415-465-7911 Thornton Berkeley 415-549-022..1 Yagudin San Francisco 415-469-0419

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community

FEB 1991

der gast

Last month was the initial publication of der l:lay, and 232 copies were mailed throughout the Bay Area and 20 outside cf our area. These included, NY, NJ, MA, VI', FL, MD, NB, and Toronto. [n addition copies were distributed at B'nai B'rith meetings, Yiddish classes, and Senior club meetings, for a total of 300.

This much greater circulation than fishl anticipated is due solely to the great cooperation of the Peninsula JCC where the new Yiddish club meets and assists in the production of this publication.

There does not exist a clearinghouse of Yiddish club newsletter"s. In fact, there are very few published. This notice is a call for editors to exchange issues and club news. Another need is for a national listing of Yiddish teachers and a clearinghouse for openings. The JCCs, independents, · universities, synagogues. and adult education all have a need for this information

With the devastating situation in the Middle East. it is difficult to concentrate on Yiddish maintenance/revival. YIVO had this problem on a massive scale when it was necessary to relocate to America

We have received news that Israel is making an effort to revive Yiddish theater and has a drive to build a theater.

Vol. 1-2

der- kalendar

FEBRUARY 14th, Thursday, 1:00 PM, Temple Beth El

•Fishl~, The Jewish Storyteller. 21st, Thursday, 1:30 PM, Peninsula JCC

Yiddish Club Meeting, 415-349-6946 27th, 111., 8: 15 PM. Temple Beth El, Santa Cruz

Purim Party, California Klezmer Band 27th, Th., 10:00 PM, Santa Cruz Hillel

Purim Party, Cali fomia Klezmer .Band MARCH 2nd. Sat., 7:30 "ku*msitz at the Goldins"

Potluck, Sing-along starts 9:00 PM Call 415-461-6090!

2nd, $ ;at, 8:00 PM Temple Beth Sholom, San Leandro, Purim Party, CA. Klez. Band

3rd. Sun., A L Schultz JCC, Purim Concert Featuring the Yiddish Choristers

9th, Saturday, 8:00 PM, Berkeley/Rich. JCC Larry Kassin, Intl Music, with "Songs of the Jewish Resistance Fighters."

13th -· 24th. Pacific Jewish Theater, NA Shayna Maidelw, Call 849-0498.

18th, Mon., 1: 15 PM, Temple Beth Jacob Srs. •Fishl", The Jewish ·storyteller.

21st, Thursday, 1:30 PM, Peninsula JCC . Yiddish Club Meeting, 415-349-8946

APRIL, 28th, Sunday, 2:00 PM, San Francisco JCC

A Tribute to Sholom Aleichem MAY 4th & 5th, A L Schultz JCC, "World of

Sholom Aleichem: A Yiddish Festival• 6th thru 11th Berkeley/Richmond JCC ·

Sholom Aleichem 75th Yahrzcit Week JUNE 4th. T'U. 7:30 PM. Peninsula.Temple Sholom

Film Mamele (Little Mother) 5th - ll6th, Pacific Jewish Theater, • Dividends• 11th 1tu. 7:30 PM PenlnsulaTemple Sholom

Film Yid/ Mitn Fidl (Yidl with a Fiddle) 18th 1ru. 7:30 PM PenlnsulaTemple Sholom

Film .A Brivele dcr Memen (A Letter to Mother)


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Among Jewish immigrants to America it was common to be conversant in several languages. Depending on their proximity to the borders of other nations, and especially their need to trade with non­Jews, it was necessary for them to speak several languages. ·

Thus In addition to Yiddish being the language of the marketplace end Hebrew the medium of prayer and scholarship, there were these other national languages. My mother, who came to America in 1922, from a shtetl near Bialystok. speaks Polish, and Russian in addition to the two aforementioned "languages of the Jews". While the Sephardic elders have Ladino gs their counterpart of Yiddish, they were in similar positions.

It is not rare for societies to have a language for the »common man" and another for the clergy/intellec;tuals. Greece and Italy have the situation of the classical Greek on the one hand and Latin in the latter. Even computers have this same dichotomy i.e., Basic is the language for the masses and Forth, Pascal, C and SQL the scientific/commercial languages.

Hebrew won the debate for the language of Israel. for several good reasons. However, if one travels around the world today. it is Yiddish as well as the English, which opens many doors for communicating.

Having a pluralistic language facility has been common throughout Jewish history. In ancient times Aramaic was. the everyday language of the Jews, and the Targum is the Aramaic translation of the Bible. Our Talmuds made it necessary for scholars to be conversant in both languages.

Multilingualism is a product of conquered nations. Jews have been conquered and in a state of flux. Commerce also requires traders to be multilingual and Jews have been peddlers out of necessity. The wandering_Jew is no misnomer.

One has often he'ard the truism that learning other languages, aids in better understanding one's native tongue. Young children learn to speak without learning grammar, but to "master' a language, one must study the syntax. ·

The future of Yiddish lies not in the "last generation who were weaned on it", but the next one which has a smathering. 1f it become solely the domain of the scholars, its homey, rich myriad of idioms, lullabies, plays and would be only a subject for scholarly journals.

An excellent book on this topic is Bilingualism in tfil History g.'( Jewish Literature by Shmuel Niger. There is an Knglish translation from the original Yiddish by J oshua A. Fogel and published by the University Press of America. ·

The Jewish Storytelling Center is an on-going group of storytellers who meet monthly at the 92nd Street Y, New York City. The Center has been in existence since Spring 1984. Jews have always loved and told stories . Since the focus of our Jewish world is story, then we have needed a great many stories to fill this need. In the past twenty-seven years, more collections of Jewish stories from Jewish sources have been published than for many years before . And, at the same time, there has been a resurgence of interest in storytelling. Many of these collections contain stories from Eastern European Yiddish sources~ from the Israel Folk-tale Archives and other sources.

Jewish Storytelling Newsletter is a 12-16 page newsletter f~lled with articles, book and cassette listings, a folktale book excerpt, a calendar of storytelling events, stories, discussion issues, etc. Subscriptions for this newsletter only are $10.

The newsletter is co-published by CAJE (Coalition for Advancement of Jewish Education) . CAJE members who belong to the Jewish Storytelling Network can receive the newsletter free-of-charge. For information about CAJE, contact ~t 261 West 35 Street, Fl . 12A , New York, NY 10001 or call 212 268-4210.

Continued interest and research in Jewish oral tradition promise to keep this tradition vital and vibrant. In this way, the Yiddish stories will remain alive for all.

Peninnah Schram, Director JEWISH STORYTELLING CENTER 92nd Street Y Library 92nd Street YM-YWHA 1395 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10128

or call 212 415-5544

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50 Bay Area Performers

First Las1

Ada Avrutskava Cantor R02 Baral< Arella Barlev Rcberta Wain- Becker Joel Ben~ Adu Ben-Shalom Pat Berger Inna Berzkalne Sidne-y Bronstein Fann) Bruk Henry Carrey Marian Concus Buni Cooper Miriam D'V orin Ltt:e Davis Marian Drabkin Marat - Farberov Sara Felder Bernard Finkle S. Robert Freedman Sheila Gerzofl Jonathan & Laurel Goldin Jimmie Gruber Sheila Hochman Harold Kagar. Regina Karpovich Madeline Fudim- Krisnowich Phil "Fish111 Kutner Herny & Sylvia Left Daniel Lev F1~ie Joseph Chassie E)rc

Kitty Naomi Martin Jim Allan Betty Albert­SaraDavis Semyon ~ Leni Jean Jillian Leslie Corey Esther Mara

Lewis Liebling Margolis Metzger Newman Newman Ponch Rebban Richards Schreck Shendehnan Shenkman Shouraki Siege] Sutton Tallmer Tenney Weinstein Weintraul::


Musician Singer Singer Singer Storyteller Singer SingerActress Dancer Entertainer Singer Singer Musician Singer Singer Singer Storyteller Singer Juggler Actor Musician Singer Singers Storyteller Singer Actor Singer Singer Storyteller Storytellers Storyteller Storyteller Musician Singer Singer Actress Actress Actor Musician Singer Singer Storyteller Musician Singer Singer Storyteller Singer Singer Singer Enteretainer Storyteller


Iler ba~ has several immediate objectives. One is to develop a working list of Yiddish talent in the Bay Area In the first issue last month, a list of bands was published In this issue you will find 50 performers. They can be reached by contacting Fishl at 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo 94403. There is No Charge for this service to either party.

As a clearinghouse for Yiddish, another is Yiddish classes and teachers/tutors. We are assisting the League for Yiddish in compiling a list for the U.S. There is a shortage of teachers in Canada where the interest is much higher--an opportunity for individuals looking for a new career. The major universities for training are Columbia, Oxford. and McGill.

We are working to network Yiddishists interested in using computers for writing and communicating. One of the top individuals in the country is here in the Bay Area. He is Ari Davidow who writes a column called Online for the N. Ca Jewish Bulletin. Please let us know of your software experiences and interests.

Very few Yiddish clubs have a newsletter, and this is one means of "spreading the word". Der Bay is being sent to selected individuals/groups in both the U.S. and Canada, if your group is interested in networking, please contact Fishl.

Is there a Hebrew school principal or teacher who wishes to incorporate a unit on Yiddish in their classes? There is help available and also guest speakers. Finally there is a need for original articles in/on Yiddish. If they are lengthy, then assistance may be given in having them published


Haint is Purim, Morgen is oiss: Git mir a Penny un varft mich aroiss. Besser noch a Human Tash, Far a sissen Purim Nash.

Farestellen sich vie a Poyatz. Tanz arum oif yeden Platz. Megillah leinen in der Shiel. Dry dem Grager vie a meel

Klopp die Fiess far Rushe Hwnen. Az die herst min ruft sain Numen. A dank zu Esther un Mordechai, Unsere Yiden sennen frail

Es iz a Mitzvah bringen haint, Shelachmunes zu die Fraind Min soil sich sehn Gezunderheit, Iber a Yuhr die selba Zeit!II

Melody: ADOIN OLAM Lyrics: Jimmie S. Gruber

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Day 1 The Jewish Storyteller

Introduction. Development of storytelling. Jewish storytelling. Role of genealogy in storytelling.

Class activity Fishl' s genealogy. A Case Study

Grandparental stories Zelig in America

Parental stories

Umted Jewish Community C•enters

Max in the Anny Max Meets Pearl'

Personal stories The One-Room Schoolhouse Let's Get Married Next Week The Flood How I Stopped Smoking

Children's stories It's My Car Tonight I May Wanna Go to College Class activity

Day 2 Yiddish and Yiddish Stories

Bilingualism Historical devdopment Current status Jewish bilingw llism

Hebrew - Arc maic Hebrew - Yiddish Hebrew - Lac. inc

Development of Yidd .sh Golden Age of Yiddis:-1 Causes of Yiddish's near demise.

Assimilation Communism Holocaust Israel

English words of Yiddish origin Yiddish Stories

Sholom Aleichem Sholom Alekhem stories 75th yahrzeit activities

Class activity

Non-Profit Orga 1ization US Postaf1e

PAID Permit No 3

Belmont, Calif.

der gast der kalendar - [PDF Document] (9)

Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community

March 1991

der gast In future issues of dar ba13, we shall be adhering to the Library of Congress spelling of Yiddish. If an article is received using the traditional format. we hope you understand that only the spelling will be changed and not the content

This has been an exciting month with presentations at Senior groups and clubs. There has been an increasing interest outside of the Bay Area and the first steps in establishing THE YIDDISH NElWORK.

"San Francisco Yiddish" is reaching out and the new areas have a bevy of inquiries. Last month it was Toronto. which has a large and active Yiddish community, and this month it is the Greater Washington D.C. Area which has a really marvelous newsletter. It has a mailing list of 3,000 and a membership of 400. Lea Singer is the dynamic and exciting person who edits the Newslener. She exudes excitement when you speak to her about the world of Yiddish.

We are slowly developing a network of highly motivated key individuals who are interested in sharing. spreading. and making the news in Yiddish. You will find a list of categories on which the network is developing or ones which have already been published and are available free.

It has become quite apparent that there is a much greater interest in retaining Yiddish than I visualized when the Sholem Aleichem 75th Yahrzeit Project started. Now the database is over 600 and still growing. The additions are mainly Yiddish leaders from outside of the Bay Arca A statistical listing is on the last page.

With the successful start of the PJCC Yiddish Club, the launching of der ba~. and PJCC giving me a base of operations, it has made the task easier. I shall continue to send the newsletter gratis as long as my personal funds permit Remember to send in your Yiddish events for listing in der ka/endar and attend the upcoming Sholem Aleichem festivities. Remember, Philip "Fish!" Kutner 415-349-6946.

Vol. 1-3

der kalendar

MARCH 10th. Sun.. 2:00 PM Marin JCC Yiddish Club

Meets 2nd Sunday of each month Call Flora Wyshak 383-3207

13th - 24th. Pacific Jewish Theater, "A Shayna Maidel", Call 849-0498.

18th. Mon, 1: 15 PM, Temple Beth Jacob "Fish!", The Jewish Storyteller. A Yiddish Connection 415-366-8481.

20th, Wednesday. 1:30 PM. Peninsula JCC i:n Belmont, NEW Yiddish Club Meeting, Call 415-349-6946

29th. First seder of Passover

APRIL 17th. We:d. 7:30 PM. 415-493-9400

nncets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month A L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club

24th, Wed., Sholem Aleichem died 10th of Iyar i1n New York This was on May 13. 1916

28th, Sunday, 2:00 PM, San Francisco JCC A Tribute to Sholom Aleich em Call 415-346-6040

MAY 4th 8:00 PM & 5th. 2:00 PM A L Schultz JCC,

i1n Palo Alto "World of Sholom Aleichem; A Yiddish Festival" Call 415-493-9400

6th thru. 11th Berkeley/Richmond JCC Sholom Aleichem 75th Yahrzeit Week Call 415-848-0237 for list of events

JUNE 4th. Tu. 7:30 PM, PeninsulaTemple Sholom

iin Burlingame 415-697-2266 F'ilm Mamele (Linle Mother)

5th - 161th. Pacific Jewish Theater, • Dividends" 11th Tu.. 7:30 PM PeninsulaTemple Sholom

iin Burlingame 415-697-2266 F'ilm Yid/ Mitn Fidl (Yidl with a Fiddle)

18th Tu.. 7:30 PM PeninsulaTemple Sholom i1n Burlingame 415-697-2266 F'ilm A Brivele der Mamen (A Letter to Mother)

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Growing up on a chicken farm outside of Flemington, New Jersey left many memories. In fact, enough for a lifetime of storytelling. When you consider that our family of four boys were the only Jews in school, it meant that we had only each other as good friends. It wasn't easy to say "no" when offered food, for it was usually treyf.

Things were very different thep. I remember that we ate suppers, and dinner was eaten noontime when dinner was supposed to be eaten. Many years later mom said, "if G-d wanted you to eat dinner at night, he wouldn't have called it suppel'. Mom's philosophical oration ended with, "Even the goyem know what to eat at night They eat supper."

No holiday beats Pesach. The first seder was always at zeyde's house. He was my mother's father. \Ve called my father's father "grandpa". Mom said that was so because her family were "greenhorns" and dad's family were "yenkees".

Mom felt that way because one side spoke Yiddish while the other used "heynglish". The distinction seemed to be more of the fact that one came before the war and the other after the war. Oh, I mean \VWL

Let's get back to Pesach and the seders. Zeyde and babe lived on Boerum Street in Brooklyn, and we lived on the farm in Jersey. It meant a two-hour ride into The City. Our transportati on was the family car--a half-ton International pick­up.

Naturally mom, dad, and Semele rode up front Seat belts, is that what you asked? Who cared about seat belts? Blankets, blankets, and bales of straw or hay to block the wind, that's what counted.

Especially on the way home, the cold hit Sure Pesach is in the middle of the month of Nisan, but at night in the back of an open truck. it gets very windy and cold. The worst part was the cold steel of the truck bed We learned it was just as important to have the blankets below us as having them above.

A blanket was a koldre, and a quilt with goose feathers a perineh. Mom wouldn't let us take our perinehs. They're too valuable. It was fun at the start of the trip, but it seemed to last forever. We slept on the way back--the wine made us drowsy.

Food, food, and more food was the most important thing to mom. Of course even more important was our health. Money wasn't a problem, for we didn't have much, so we didn't use much. My folks never had a financial advisor. They never had any money to be advised about

Food, food and more food not only occupied mom's mind, but was what hurried the boys along at their chores. A Pesach breakfast meant matzoh bray or matzoh latkes. Actually, it was usually bray for breakfast and latkes at night

Having a chicken farm meant that you had eggs. If you had eggs, you had cracked eggs. If you had cracked eggs, you ate eggs--lots of eggs. The three-egg bray was the norm. The wood stove in the huge kitchen was always full of frying pans and the pans were always full of butter. I hated taking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when they were on matzoh. The kids wanted those Jew crackers.

Every Pesach our Polish neighbor Zolnerchik, dropped by to get matzoh. He said that the Jews knew how to cook. His wife came over--but always alone.

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Research Libraries in Jewish Studies Jewish Archives of North America Jewish Museums of North America Jewish Theaters of North America Yiddish Club Newsletters Yiddish Videos Universities Preparing Yiddish Teachers Major Yiddish Organizations Klezmer and Yiddish Bands Yiddish Books Yiddish Leaming Materials Yiddish Teachers Yiddish Classes Yiddish Clubs Jewish Storytellers Yiddish Entertainers Yiddish Pen Pals Yiddish Computer Mavens

They are free from organizations or being prepared by The Yiddish Network. Contact Philip 11Fishl11 Kutner at 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo, CA 94403. Need one not mentioned? Let Fishl know.


When you have an enlightened staff, and an administration with the vision and willing to give them the reins, then all things are possible. Such has been the situation of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center in Belmont, California

Nestled in the beautiful hills, and not easy to find, this warm group of professionals now boasts a Yiddish Literature course, a Yiddish Club and the home of del' ba1).

Clara W. Sumpf, the Yiddish literature instructor, has a rich background in the subject, and has taught at Stanford University, DeAnza and Foothill Colleges.

For information on the course, the Yiddish Club or inquiries about this newsletter, contact PJCC 415-591-4438 or the editor Phil "Fishl• Kutner at 415-349-6946. Fishl's address is 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo, CA 94403.


This modern textbook for learning Yiddish is being used by Yiddish classes for adults all over the world . Together with the audio tape that is available, it is suitable for the independent student.

LEARNING YIDDISH IN EASY STAGES involves the student gradually with Yiddish, introducing a few of the letters of the Alef-Beyz at a time. Conversations begin in translit~ration and slowly move the student to full Yiddish. The lessons familiarize students with vocabulary, proverbs, poetry, and humor and have clear explanations of grammar. Information about Yiddish books, music, theater, press, and organizations is included. Songs with music and words in Yiddish and in transliteration are in a handy section at the back of the book. There is also a very useful glossary as well as a section of useful words.

The co-authors of this text, Marvin Zukckerman, Chairman of the English Department, and Professor of Jewish Studies at Los Angeles Valley College, and Marion Herbst, coordinator of the Yiddish Program at University of Judiasm and instructor in Yiddish at Santa Monica College, are aware of the needs of the contemporary student. No previous knowledge of Yiddish is neeeded to use this book. It is also useful as a reference book for the student who has some knowledge of Yiddish. It is a high quality, sturdy, cloth bound book.

LEARNING YIDDISH IN EASY STAGES is published by Joseph Simon/publisher and can be purchased by calling 1 800 333 8122. It is also · available from Workmen's Circle Education Department and from the National Yiddish Book Center.

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TOTAL CONTACTED POSITIVE• ............................................................. 601 UNREACHED/NEGATIVE ........................................................................... 168 REGION 1 North Bay ........................................................................................ 47 REGION 2 SF & N. Peninsula ..................................................................... 215 REGION 3 East Bay ......................................................................................... 176 REGION 4 South Bay-• ................................................................................. 114 REGION 5 CA (Outside Bay Area) ................................................................... 9 REGION 6 New York ......................................................................................... 15 REGION 7 US (Not CA or NY) ....................................................................... 14 REGION 8 Israe1••••• ........................................................................................ 0 REGION 9 Canada ................................................................................................. 5 TOTAL VERY HIGH INTEREST ................................................................. 373 TOTAL MAIL LIST ........................................................................................... 292 YIDDISH TEACHERS ........................................................................................ 12 PERFORMERS .................................................................................................. 126 BAND LEADERS••• ........................................................................................... 24 UNIVERSITY•••• .............................................................................................. 55 RABBIS ................................................................................................................... 17 EMIGREs••••• .................................................................................................. 13 NYBC Members ................................................................................................ 144 LEAGUE FOR YIDDISH Members ................................................................ 21

•Individual/family •••chiefly Klezmer .... Predominantly Faculty .. Mainly South of Redwood City •••••Area Needing Development

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community • - - - - 9 ~ - - - - - • - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - . , - - - Q - - - - - - - - - - Q

April 1991 Vol. I-IV 0 e - - Q O - - - a Q • - ~ - a - • 0 - - - - - a - - a - e • 1 - - - e - a - - - a - - - • G

der gast This month is the one we've been gearing up for. This is the month when our Bay Area Jewish Community Centers begin the Sholem AJeichem festivities. Our planning to cooperate in scheduJing and assistance is truly paying off.

What has been so surprising is that this giant of a man's 75th yortsayt received little national recognition and until now, so few organizations have planned affairs. Since this newsletter is now being sent to more and more areas outside of our o,i;,n commW1ity. perhaps others will still make a last minute effort. Check der kalendar for updates on locat:ons, dates, times and phone numbers.

The dates of Sholem ~leichem's yortsayt in the Jewish calendar is the tenth of Iyyar (April 24th), and May 13th in the secular calendar, For these three weeks, there will be activities from April 21 thru May 11. With at least three Yiddish clubs meeting the weeks just prior and just after these activities" it is a great time to visit San Francisco.

It is interesting to note that the three giants of the "Golden Age of Yiddish• all died in successive years. First we lost I. L. Peretz in 19 15, then Sholem Aleichem in 1916, and finally Mendele Mokher Sforim a year later. This is in the r everse order in which they entered the scene.

"No man is an island unto himself' and it is time that several individuals receive full recognition for thei-r encouragement and inspiration. One who belongs right at the top is Prof. Gella Fishman who gave many suggestions in my first attempt at Yiddish writing. ALL the errors are mine. Remember to write to der Ila~ at 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo, CA 94403 with ~ articles in this format of 3.5 inch columns, and/or comments, corrections or requests.

der ba~ received notice of the International Yiddish conference in the USSR This is a momentous event for there is a wealth of Yiddish talent remain ing there. We hope to bring you reports of thi s upcoming convention.

der kalendar APRIL 10th, Wed,. 10: 15 AM Addison-Penzak JCC

A Taste of Yiddish, 4 Sessions Call Shoshana Korthamar 408-358-3636

14th. Sun., 2:00 PM Marin JCC Yiddish Club Call Flora Wyshak 415-383-3207 Meets 2nd SLU1day of each month

17th, Wed. 7:30 PM, Call 415-493-9400 AL Schultz JCC Yiddish Club Meets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month

17th, Wednesda::f, 1:30 PM. Peninsula JCC in Belmont, Yiddish Club Meeting, Call 415-591-4438 or 415-349-6946

18th, Thurs .. 10:30 AM-Noon. Contra Costa JCC in Walnut Creek. Yiddish Club Meeting, Meets every thursday Call 415-938-7800

21st, Sun, 2:00 PM. PeninsuJa JCC in Belmont A Celebration of Sholem Aleichem Call 4 15-591-4438 or 415-349-6946

24th, Wed. Sholem Aleichem died May 13, 1916 26th, FrL, 1:00 PM. Brotherhood Way JCC

Kosher Shabes Lunch $1.25/S3.50 Stories of Sholem Aleichem by Fishl

28th, Sunday, 2:00 PM, San Francisco JCC A Tribute to Sholem Aleichem Call 415 -346-6040

MAY 4th 8:00 PM & 5th, 2:00 PM, Schultz JCC,

Palo Alto •world of Sholem Aleichem: A Yiddish Festival• Call 415-493-9400

6th thru 11th Berkeley/Richmond J CC Sholem Aleichem 75th Yortsayt Week Call 415-848-0237 for list of events

6th thru 30th 7:30 PM San Francisco JCC, Gerry Tenney- Teaching the course "Lea.ming to Sing Yiddish Songs"

12th thru Summer Blumenthal Library of the Magnes Museum. only MTW 10-4 Sholem Aleichem Exhibit 415-849-2710

JUNII!: 2nd. Sun. 2:30 PM. San Francisco JCC,

The Jewish Folk Chorus sings A Tribute to Sholem Aleichem

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Dos maysele stamt fun Haiti, af dem mayrivdikn breg fun an inzl inem karabeyishn yam vos heyst Hispaniola Es iz dortn do a tradi tsye az ven a kind vert geboyrn. fazeyt men a kerndl fun a frul<ht boym. Men gleybt az azoy vi der boym vakst, azoy vakst dos kind. Az der boym vakst hoykh un glaykh. vet dos kind azoy vaksn, ober az es vakst krum, vet dos kind nit hobn ken sheyn lebn. Siz oykh do a praktishe zayt fun der traditsye. Ven der boym heybt on tsu gebn frukht, belangt es tsum kind un di frukht breyngt gelt vos belangt oykh tsum kind.

Siz amol geven a meydele vos hot gehat a shlekhte shtifmuter. Ir tate hot nit gevust az zayn tokhter hot gedarft reynikn dos gantse hoyz yedn tog nokh der shule Der tate hot nit gekent blaybn mit der shtifmuter un iz avek fun ir un hot oykh ibergelost dos meydele.

Eyn mol iz dos meydele arayngekumen nokhn !err.en in shul un hot gezen a sheyrun marants af a teler afn tish, zi hot ongeheybn tsu shpiln zikh mitn marants un shpeter ugegesn dem marants. Ven dos meydele iz fartig gevorn. hot zi gevust az di shtifmuter vet zayn zeyer broyges, un zi hot arayngeton dem sholekhts un di kerndlekh funem marants in der keshene fun ir kleyd Ven di shtifmuter iz aheym gekumen un gezen az der marants is nito, hot zi bald ongeheybn tsu shlogn dos meydele.

Mit bitere trern iz dos meydele gelofn tsum keyver fun ir mamen un gefaln afn shteyn un ayngeshlofn. In kholem zet zi di mame oys vi a malekh. Ven dos meydele hot oyfgevakht fun shlof, hot a kleyner marantsn boym ongehoybn tsu vaksn. Zogt dos meydele tzum marantsn boym: marantsn boym vaks, vaks, vaks un der rnarantsn boym iz _.$evaksn, gevaksn, gevaksn.


Tsu ersht zaynen arayngevaksn di tsvaygn. Nokh dem, ven zi hot geheysn dem boym er zol vaksn. zaynen di kveytn aroys, un ongehoybn bliyen. Nokh dem iz di frukht gevaksn. Zi hot keyn mol nit gezen azeikhe goldene marantsn. Klaybt zi on a par un geyt zik.h aheym.

Ven di shtifmuter zet di goldene marantsn vil zi zey bald hobn. Zogt zi tsum meydele az zi vil zen dem boym vu di marantsn vaksn Dos meydele vayzt ir shtifmuter dem boym un di shtifmuter heybt on tsu klaybn ale marantsn. Ven zi ken zey nit greykhn, heybt zi on aruftsukrikhn afn boym.

Zogt dos meydele, 1'marantsn boym. marants boym. vaks, vaks, vaks11

• Un der marantsn boym iz gevaksn gevaksn gevaksn. Hekher un hekher krikht di shtifmuter aruf afn boym biz vanen zi kumt aruf tsu di volkns.

Dan zogt dos meydele marantsn boym. tsubrekh, tsubrekh, tsubrekh un der boym hot zikh tsebrokhn un di shtifmuter iz anmtergefaln tsu der erd un hot tseklapt ir kop af der mames shteyn un iz derharget gevom. Dos meydele hot farzeyt kendl fun a marants un gezogt marantsn boym, marantsn boym vaks, vaks, vaks. Un der marantsn boym iz gevaksn. gevaksn. gevaksn. Un s1hot zikh bavizn a nayem groysn marantsn boym.

Klaybt zi on a por marantsn un geyt a heym. Der tate iz tsurik gekumen vayl s 1iz im geven zeyer umedik on dem meydele. Zi dertseylt dem tatn di gantse geshikhte. Yeyde vokh geyt zi afn mark un farkoyft a korb marantsn. S'iz shoyn a sakh yom shpeyter un un ikh hob ge~olt zen di goldene marantsn. Hob 1kh gegangen afn mark un gebetn di alte froy zi zol undz farkoyfn a korb marantsn far mayne fraynt Zi iz broyges gevom un hot mir gegebn aza shtarke brike in rukn az ikh bin gefloyren dem gantsn veg aher.

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As a gene pool diminishes, the survival potential of a species lessens. Keeping a wide d iversity in the hereditary gene-pool permits a greater adaptation to changing environments. Survival of the fittest refers to adaptability, not to physical p rowess.

Yiddish has manifested herself in varied forms; the day-to-day mame-loshn of the commoner in the shtetl, the medium of expression in some of our great writers like Sholem Aleichem, and I. L. Peretz, the vehicle of artistic productions on the Yiddish theater, and even the means of communication among Jews throughout the world needing a common language.

Hebrew served as a unifying force in the formation of the State of Israel and formed a bond between the Jews of Europe and the Americas, with those of Africa and Asia It s eemed to be the "apparen t" death knell for Yiddish, and what Hitler and Stalin did hastened what the onslaught of assimilation had started.

Returning after continued setbacks has been a trait of Jews throughout history, and so it appears is the rekindled interest in Yiddish. After avoiding her in an attempt to become 11Americanized11

, the pull at our roots has drawn us back t o our days of immigration with its lullabies, songs, humor, and stories of the s h tetL

Yiddish courses, are increasing in number. The National Yiddish Book Center has had a tremendous g r owth in book-han dling and membership. New Yiddi sh club s are n ow b ein g formed Yiddish ·clas s es are sp ringing µp- in un_iv~r ~ities,_ ~ d computer networks _have been a b oon for people in

- ~•d i fferent countries . . Our Yi ddish is an · inter national lan guage like Latin, but it is

.... . __ f~ from being a dead_ one. It i s m ore than m·erely s tories, j ok es a nd "cute" words incorporated in to the English language.


This Belmont JCC will open the 3 weeks of Sholem Aleichem tributes. Judy Edelson. the JCC director has assur~d us of a great affair April 21 at 2:00 pm

Starting the activities will be a presentation by Fishl on The Life and Times of Sholem Aleichem. This will be followed by a performance of the Yiddish Lullaby Lady. Eva Metzger.

After an intermission for sweets and beverages, will come the original storytelling of Flossie Lewis. Then Rick Fisel, the lead male vocalist for the Yiddish chorister s will sing and play the guitar, accordian and banjo.

Finally a feature of the afternoon will be the highly talented husband-and-wife team of Vladimir and Regina Karpovich playing melodies and singing Yiddish songs from Sholem Aleichem's homeland.


The world of Sholem .t.Jeichem will spring to life at the Albert L. Schultz JCC on Saturday May 4th. at 8:00 pm and Sunday May 5th at 2:00 pm. These events will highlight festivities in the south peninsula region celebrating the 75th yortsayt of the author of Tevye rhe Milkman It will also be a time to celebrate the joys of Yiddish

On Saturday this JCC will feature two one-act plays from "The World of Sholem Aleichem". These plays will be performed in English under the directorship of Judy Dresch. founder and director of the Manhattan Playhouse. Top flight local talent will delight you in performances of A Tale of Chelm and The High School. at the Rollnick Auditorium.

The Yiddish film Mame-Loshnwill. also be shown as well as exhibits to be viewed. There will be displays of many books and Yiddish newspapers.

Sunday, the Keynote speaker will be the renowned Yiddishist Prof. Blume Goldstein. Following her appearance will be Prof. Joyce Penn Moser and well-known local lecturer, Clara Sumpf.

Readings will be presented by two of the best Yiddish teachers in t h e Bay Area- Layah Laks and Tybil Kahn. Under the baton of Lottie Solomon. the Yiddish Ch orister s will per form a series of Yiddish songs to delight all ages.

Nostalgia and •nosheray" are features as we salute S h olem Aleich em. F or theater reservations call 4 15-493-9400. The events on sunday are free.

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When visiting our beautiful Bay Area. call/visit any of these, to learn about our Yiddish activities. For a list of Klezmer bands, Jewish storytellers, Yiddish clubs, Yiddish courses, shops that sell Yiddish books, etc., call der lla13 for a free newsletter with its list of Yiddish events.

Addison-Penzac JCC of Greater San Jose, 14855 Oka Rd., Los Gatos 95030, Call Faigie Rosen, 408-358-3636

· Berkeley/Richmond JCC, 1414 Walnut St. Berkeley 94709 Call Karen Andersen. 415-848-0237

Brotherhood Way JCC, 655 Brotherhood Way, S.F. 94132 Call Susan Kroll 415-334-7474

Contra Costa JCC, 2071 Tice Valley Blvd. Walnut Crk. 94595 Call Shoshana Elihu, 415-938-7800

United Jew,sh Commun,ly Centers

der lbai:i Yiddish Info of the Bay Area 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo 94403 Call 'Fishl" Kutner, 415-349-6946

Friendship Circle, Congregation Beth Ami 4676 Mayette Ave, Santa Rosa 95405 Call Bernice Fox, 707-528-4222

Marin JCC, 200 N. San Pedro Rd., San Rafael 94903, 415-479-2000 Call Flora Wyshak. 415-383-3207

Peninsula JCC, 2440 Carlmont Dr., Belmont 94002, Call Mildred Friedman 415-591-4438

San :Francisco JCC, 3200 California Ave., S.F. 94118 Call Jason Gaber, 415-346-6040

Albert L. Schultz JCC, 655 Arastradero Rd., Palo Alto 94306 Call Dr. Frank Kushin. 415-493-9400

Non-Profit Organization US Postage

PAID Permit No. 3

Belmont, Calif.

der gast der kalendar - [PDF Document] (17)

1 Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community ~ • • , • .••a••••• a Q ••~a•• • •••••• a • • • •••••••••• a••••

MAY 1991 Vol. 1-V • • • e • • • • • • • • • o • a ca • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

der gast With three successful Sholem Aleichem programs successfully held in April at the Peninsula JCC, Brotherhood JCC and the star-studded cast at the San Francisco JCC, we now look forward to a marvelous weekend at the Albert L. Schultz JCC in Palo Alto, and a potpourri of week-long festivities at the Berkeley/Rlchmond JCC.

See der kalendar for updated information on locations, dates, times, and phone numbers of these festivities. Also note the Yiddish club meetings. There will be a wondetful Yiddish film s eries coming up next month at t>eninsula Temple Sholom.

YQu will notice several new items in this isuue of dar bay. Excellent contacts have been made in Israel with the key people in theater, journals and universities. There is a greater interest than I ever imagined

Our new PJCC Yiddish club, at the Peninsula Jewish Community Center in Belmont. continues to grow. At the third meeting we had 21 eager participants, and after an hour of discussion and readings, we viewed the Yiddish Theater on · Second Avenue narrated by Herschel Bernardi.

We have wonderful Yiddishists nearby. David Ditchek and his friends called to say they were coming in . from Sacramento to see the Sholem Aleichem performance at SF JCC. Another region worthy of note is Santa Cruz with its small but dynamic Hillel director Jeff Sokolow, and the very active Center & Temple, Beth El.

der kalendar

MAY 1st & 15th. Weds.. 7:30 PM, Call 41.5-498-9400

Albert· L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club Meets 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month

4th 8:00 PM & 5th, 2:00 PM, Albert L Schultz JCC, Palo Alto •world of Sholem Aleichem: A Yiddish Festival• Call 4 ll5-493-9400

6th thru 11th Berkeley/Richmond JCC •sholem. Aleichem 75th Yoirtsayt Week" Call 415-848-0237 for list o.f events

6th thru 30th 7:30 PM San Francis,co JCC, Gerry Tenney Teaching the course •Leaming to Sing Yiddish Songs" Call 415-346-6040

11th Sat 1:30 PM Temple Beth Torah. Fremont F ishl speaking on ''The Revllval of Yiddish• Yiddish Club Meets 2nd Sat:. of each month

12th thru Summer Blumenthal Library of the Magnes Museum, only MT\V 10-4 Sholem Aleichem Exhibit •ii 15-8-19-2710

14th Tuesday, 7:30 PM Ot Am of B'nai B'rith Millbrae Library, Fishl 11.A(p· Fav"rile Sholem Aleichem Stories' Call 415-349-6948

14th Tu & 16th, Th 6:30 PM Holocaust Center of N CA Docents for •A Day in the Warsaw Ghetto• Call Joel Neuberg 415-751-E5040

16th, Thurs., 10:30 AM-Noon, Conttre Costa JCC in Walnut Cr.eek, Yiddish C!lub Meeting, Meets every thursday Call .rll 15-938-7800

20th, Mon. 10 tit Noon Berkeley/Rilchmond JCC Yiddish Folk Theater, every monday Call 415-848-0237

20th, Mon. 1:15 til 2:15 PM Berkel1ey/Richmond JCC East Bay Yiddish Folk Chorus

20th, M . OR Th . 4:30 ti1 6. Berkeley/Richmond JCC Sholem Aleichem Young Pc:ople,s Theater

22nd, Wednesday, 1:30 PM. Penirnsula JCC in Belmont. Yiddish Club Meeting, Cell 415-591-4438 or 415-349-6946

-25th thruAug. 31st Jewish Community Museum •Harry Exht'bit;-Call 415-543-8880

27th, 2nd & . 4th M. Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Conversation Gr oup

der gast der kalendar - [PDF Document] (18)

From the Jewish Folk Chorus of SF

For over 60 · years we've been singing and performing Yiddish folk music. . We welcome new singers, and our rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, from September through early June. For more details call 415-533-3903. Also don't forget our 65th ANNUAL CONCERT on June 2nd, 2:30 pm at the SF JCC. Admission is only $4 general & $2 seniors.

We began back in 1926 as part of a loose network of Freiheit Workers Choruses that started in• Chicago in 1914. We all shared a v1s1ori. Let our progressive Yiddish culture be strengthened. and let our songs ring out from coast to coast, under the slogan of the Jewish Music Alliance: A People Who Sing, Will Not Perish.

Fr:om humble beginnings, ours has been an exciting path. In 1939 we performed at the SF World's Fair on Treasure Island. We presented "The Yiddish Folk Album" with costumes, songs, and dancers before 1800 people at the old Alcazar Theater. In the 19601s we sang "The March to Selma", an original cantata by Malka Gottfried about the Civil Rights Movement In 1970 we were at the 120th anniversary of Congregation B'nai Israel in Sacramento. Each year we give two great concerts at the SF JCC; sing at the Jewish Home for the Aged in SF; and sing resistance songs for Yam Ha Shoa

Our repertoire includes Ladino, ·English, t<ussian, Hebrew, and wonderful Yiddish selections. We sing songs of the Jewish workers, songs of struggle and hope. songs of love, lullabies, and resistance songs. Under the inspiring leadership of Jose Luis Moscovich, our talented conductor, we are 40 singers strong. Come sing with us, we'd love to have you.

Renee Enteen· 415-533-3903 · Presideqt, Jewish Folk Chorus of SF


Last month the last page of der ba}J gave the names, addresse:s and phone numbers of individuals to contact in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition. on the first page of each issue is der ka/endar giving the Yiddish events, locations and phone numbers.

If every Yiddish community had this available--FREE, it would be a boon for travelers/vacationers keenly interested in hearing/ seeing Yiddish programs and meeting others interested in Yiddish.

The Yiddish Network is on its way in having .a pivotal individuall in 33 major areas and the list of cities is now available. Next month, the system w:ill be fully in place. At this time Fishl will serve as the hub, to collect and forward all requests for a given area This airlines-approach will give us a handle on the statistical distribution. and if they are: individual or institutional. For the members of the Yiddish Network. the contacts, sharing and inspiration are the reward

To keep the cost to a minimum, .the requests must contain a self-addressed stamped envelope. Thus, the only effort needed on the part of the Yiddish Networkers is to keep a. calendar of Yiddish ·events and stuflr the already stamped and addressed envelope. In my case, I'll send the• front page of deP bay. ,

The Yiddish Network believes that you start with what you havt: available, and when a new request comes in, go after it There is no need for a particular city contact if no requests come in.

If you are a Yiddish teacher or member of a Yiddish club and would be willing to be a contact for your city, wri~e Fish1 If there is a need, lhe will send a "how to" packet of instructic>ns.

der gast der kalendar - [PDF Document] (19)


When I was young and fancy free My folks had no fine clothes for me. All ·I got was words :

got tsu danken - J.Pi?Jty7 7.Y lJN.J · got vet ge/Jn J::J.JJ.J V.:JJJJ lJN.J

- lJJJf.J).J J'!'r JJN J.:J.JJ7 1NJ J'.JJlJ 7Nr zo/ men nor /ebn un zayn gezunt .

When I was wont to travel far They didn't provide me with a car. All I got was words:

gey gezunt lJ.)'Jf JJ.J "'.J gey pame/ekh - 7JJ7J)'1:Jfy!J ".J

hob a gli~lekhe rayze. - JJ!:!7 .JJ.:J.JJ7?'7.J ty .:IN,7

I wanted to increase my knowledge But they wouldn't send me to college. All I got was words :

hob seykhl. 7.:JiP .:IN,7 ... zay nisht ken nar 7t!J J"? t7IP'J '!'!

toyre iz di /Jeste • skhoyre. - ,77JniP JJl:IOJJ.:I '7 !'N ,777n

The years have flown, the world has turned, Things I've forgotten , things I have learned. Yet I remember:

zog dem emes gib tsdoke hob rakhmones

zay a mentsh


- noN 1.1JJ7 .JNr ,7;.77 .Y .:J '.J

n 7Jl'lll7 ::JN,7 IP l:l.J.J-1 lJ t! '!' !

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1991 - N '.'JlVI=l D'7l9 - ,~nlV'9 ,ll';l.l)) llN '7v'1P ,~

lP J1~!J'']~j;) , ~'Cl']~-~';1~9

der gast der kalendar - [PDF Document] (20)

.&1lpbyte Yiddish laesfll/1,ll,$

Our Yiddish Folk Theater will perform The World of Sholem Aleichem at both the SF JCC and the Berkeley/Richmond JCC. It is a comedy about a confidence game and is entitled "Oylem Habe". See der kalendar for further information. SFJCC April 28 and B/RJCC May 6.

Di Shpilers of the Yiddish Folktheater have been performing for several years all around the Bay Area To delight the audiences, performances are in Yiddish with ~nglish supertitles. Under the expert tutelage of Adele Proom, and Asst Director Joanne Sultar, the group recently did •Toe Card Game• written by Sholem Aleichem.

Do join our troupe. A keen interest in acting is all that is required. We"ll help you with the Yiddish. Call Adele Proom at 415-843-5082

'"The Jewish Grandpa Moses" Exhibit

Harry Lieberman started his artistic work at the age of 80, and continued until his death at 107. The Jewish Community Museum of San Francisco has been looking for seniors fluent in Yiddish to help translate Mr. Lieberman's commentaries. Ruth Z. Bolotin. Education Coordinator, noted that the show will run from May 25 thru August 31st.

Peninsula Jewish Community Center 2440 Carlmont Drive Belmont, California 94002


Cincinnati Emigrant Responds tc, Forward Article

On March 1, this weekly published a very kind article of Fishl's effort to spread the word of Sholem Aleichem's 75th yortsayt and mentioned that the renowned Yiddish colunmist Y Hamer, the pen name of Joseph Mlotek. would transmit letters sent to him for FishL Two we:eks later a new American wrote, and it was forwarded with a beautiful note. It was answered in Yiddish and proved more difficult than writing: this column.

~ in the Warsaw Ghetto•

This photographic exhibit subtitled •A Birthday Trip to Hell". will be shown at Santa Clara University. These photographs were taken by a German Wehrmacht soldier on his own birthday. Docents will be. trained at the He>locaust Center of Northern California. May 14 and May 16. Don't forget to view this exhibit. It is truly remarkable that it still exists.

In the Digest of the Yiddish Press

Rabbi Raiskin sent in an article by Rabbi Sam Silver of Temple Sinai Millersvill:e, PA . He wrote in the Digest of the Yiddish Press about the 75th yortsayt of Sholem Aleichem and how Fish! fostered interest in having commemorative affairs.

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Newsletter of _ the Bay Area Yi1~dish Community ----------------------------------------------

JUNE 1991 Vol. I-VI --·--·----------------------------------------der gast

From Portland Maine to Portland Oregon The Yiddish Network is in place. The 75th yortsayt of Sholem Aleichem programs were successful and thus completed The First Annual Yiddish Festivals in the San Francisco Bay Area

Next year's theme of The 75th Yortsayt o( Mendele has been chosen, and thus we have the organization, the time and the credibility needed to have a successful Second Annual Yiddish Festival

Fishl is on the WELL! From a long term perspective this may be the most significant accomplishment for der bay. Thanks go to Ari Davidow, who literally led him step by step through the purchase of the modem and installed it. As a computer consultant in our area, he is second to none.

This month we have a completely new dcr kalcndar, for last month cove~cd only May.

- Note the updated information on locations, dates, . ti~e,~•~'- ~!ld phone numbers of the Y1dd1sh · clue meetings. There is a wonderful Yiddis'fi''° film series this month at Peninsula Templ_e Sholom.


G-d willing, our next issue of dQ.r , ba13 will be in Sept.. Fishl has come to,.~ 'e end of the line and needs a grant. If yo1u have a suggestion, please write. If thi~,. fails, he will ask for voluntary contributt'ons to the_. PJCC which has been p'ftfi~1ng the newsletter. Until then, remember the Yiddish in Yiddishkayt. un zay gezunt

der kalendar JUNE: 2nd, :Sun. 2:30 PM. San Francisco JCC.

The Jewish Folk Chorus sings • A Tribute to Sholem Aleichem• can 415-346-6040

2nd thru Aug. 31st Jewish Community Museum "Harry Lieberman Exhibit" cau 415-543--8880

3rd, the Summer, Blumenthal Library of the · Magnes Museum. only M1W 10-4

Sholem Al~ichem Exhibit 415-849-2710 3rd. Mon. 10 til Noon Berkeley/Richmond JCC

Yiddish Folk Theater, every monday , ..,. Call 415-848--0237 4th. Tu. 7:30 PM, Peninsula Temple Sholom -:mfl.i in Burlingame, Cflll 415-697-2266

r:;~Film Mamdt (Little Mother) 5th• 16th. Pacific Jewish Theater, • Dividends"

Call 41~550 or 415--849-0498 5th & 19th. Weds .. 7:30 PM. Call 415--493-9400

Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club M~ets 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month

6th, Thuts:, · 10:30 AM-Noon, Contra Costa JCC in Walnut Creek. Yiddish Club Meeting, Meets every thursday Call 415--938-7800

10th a: 24th. 2nd & 4th M Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Conversation Group Call 415-848-0237 or 415-644-1245

11th. Tu. 7:30 PM Peninsula.Temple Sholom in Burlingame •Call 415-697-2266 Film Yid/ Mitn Fidl .. (Yidl with a Fiddle)

15th. Sat 1:30 PM .Temple B,e;h Torah, Fremont Yiddish in the San P'rancieco Bay Area: Fishl Call 415-490-5560 or 415-656-7141

17th. Mon. l:!15 til 2:-15 PM -Berkeley/Richmond JCC East Btiyt~iddish'-Folk ch·otus

17th, M OR Th . 4:30 til 6, B~.rkeley/Richmond JCC Sholem Aleichem Young People.s Theater

18th. Tu. 7:30 PM Peninsula. Temple Sholom Fllm A BrlYele dcr M8111en {A"Letter to Mother) Call 415-€97-2266

19th. Wedne'sday, 1:30 PM, Peninsula JCC in Belmont. Yiddish Club Meeting, Call 415-591 ·4438 or 415-349-6946 (Fishl)

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The Yiddish Network 5/11/91

First Name Last Name Address City Sta Zip

Prof VictoriB Aarons 833 Cante:rbtuy Hill SanAntonio TX 78209 Richard Andler 7 430 E. Butherus. Ste. F Scottsdale AZ. 85260 Oscar Antell 946 Campbell St.. Winnipeg ManitcmCarEda R3N1C"/ Chayale Asch 0024 Rutland St Philadelphia PA 19149 Shmuel Atzmon 28 Bialik St Tel Aviv, Israel 63324 Michael Baker 715 SE 8th St Minneapolis MN 55414 Dr. Allan & Judy BJair 56 S. Roosevelt Ave. Cohntlus OH 43209 Ellen Bates- Brackett 26341 Coolidge OekPari< MI 48237 Herman Brown 33 Cynthia Rd Needham MA 02194 Harvey Buchalter 1615 Kit Carson SW Albuquerque NM 87104 AnnB Cohen 5780 5th Ave. #4A Pittsburgh PA 15232 Jack Falk PO Box 3151 Portland OR 97208 Cantor Leo Fettman 1317 N. 57th St Omaha NB 68132 S.usar: Gane 5702 Jackwood Houston TX 77096 Molly Harris 4005 Denwood Rd laMesa CA 91941 Marlon Hetbst 1311 N. Kenter Ave. LosAngeles CA 90049 David Hurewitz 1735 E. 31st St Tulsa OK 74105 Naomi Kadar 45 E. 33rd St New. York Cicy NY 10016 Prof Phil Klukoff 709 W. Bittersweet Place Chicagc IL 60613 Philip "Fishr' Kutner 1128 Tanglewood. WB!j San Mateo CA 94403 ~ Landsmat1 0000 NW 64th Ave Tamarac Fl 33319 Sarah& Sig ~ 1297 S. Mcmaco Pkwy. Denver co 80224 Philip & Eli7.abeth Levinsky ~Pypa Portland ME 04103 Prof Seymour Levitml 687 W 19th Ave.. Vancouver OCCanMc V5Z1W9 Prof Hermy Lewin 419A Waterman Bldg. UVM Burlington VT 05405 S}wia Lutsgarten 4600 BathUI'&t St Willowdale Ontmia, Canada M2R3V2 Lm Myd]arski 104 Pumphill Green 'SN Calgary AIJerta, Canada T2V4L4 Prof Dov Noy 19 Balfour St Jerusalem Israel Prof Herbert Paper 3101 C1iftan Ave. Cincinnati OH 45220 Ruth Peizer 9800 47th s.w. Seattle WA 98138 Baila ~ Charlotte JCC, PO Box 13369 Charlotte NC 28270 Dina Prigosin 1900 S. Green S. ·Euclid OH 44121 RLea Singer Y. of Gr. Wash. 8125 M<m1rcse Rd Rockville MD 20852 Ida Stack 6915 Dartmouth University Cicy MO 63130 Dora Wasserman 5170 Ste. Catherine Rd Montreal Canada H3W1M7 Gershon Weiner 10 Tzahal St Petach Tikvah Israel 49521 Fam) Yokor 215 Crystal St New Orleans I.A 70124


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The Yiddish Theater of Israel

Shmuel Atzmon, director of the Yiddish Theater of Israel located in Tel Aviv, sent a package of posters, articles and play bills. His group is exciting and we look forward to his return to the US.

Now the literature is appearing in Yiddish, Hebrew, English and Russian Mr. Atzmon states that "A considerable number of the artists whom we have absorbed into the theater are new immigrants from Russia who have come with a rich past and impressive achievements in Russian theateru. Also mention was made of Shlomo Mikhoels, the famous Yiddish actor and director of the Moscow State Jewish Theater, who had been murdered some 40 years ago.

From the varied types of plays undertaken, it is apparent that the depth of talent and calibre of acting is very high. The company performs Sholem Asch's Motke Ganev (Motke the Thief), and Sholem Aleykhem1s Shver tsu zayn a Yid.

Then there is The Bible Songs of Itzik Mangec There is a beautifully blended mixture of comedy and tragedy in Manger's writings. "Yiddish became, through generations of use, the folk language--easy to handle in daily life . . It was the lively language spoken by wagon drivers, maids, synagogue functionaries, and tailors'\ . They became the familiar figures of Bible history and transformed into the singers of The Bible So~s

Another play is Shimele1s Kholem--one of Sholem Aleykhem's soap operas. This is a real mixture of highs and lows. It tears ~t your emotions as you follow the trials and tribulations of the tailor, the stingy landlord. the beautiful daughter and results of winning the 200,000 ruble lottery.

The Workmen's Circle is Greatly Involved: with Yiddish

The Workmen's Circle is well-reprcsen::e4 in The Yiddish Network. Naomi Kadar is WC's educational director, and the New York contact in The Yiddish Network now located in 37 cities in the US, Canada and Israel. Chava Lapin, WC' s dynanti~ director, has revitalized the national office'.


' It's great to have contact with their national bookstore manager Stephen Dowling, who has been a real find for Fh:;hl He is very pleasant, and one of the . m1,st efficient individuals Fish! has contacted iri the national Yiddish community. PerhLps best of all is the list of available Yiddish materials WC has for beginners. ·

Sunny Landsman of Miami. editor of the Circle of Yiddish Clubs Newsletter said that there arc now 125 Yiddish clubs in their circle and 94 are in Florida Sur:ny will be teaching Yiddish at the annual W'C training conference in the Catskills

For Yiddish to maintain/revive, it must do so at the grass-roots leveL Local Yidd~sh clubs and Yiddish classes with good PR is the best means for stimulating 101:al interest. Workmen's Circle is the 011ly national Yiddish. organization with lo,: ·al branch offices. The local San FranciE.:co branch will begin to develop a Yiddish support system Contact Fish!

There is a definite growth of interest in Yiddish over the .last 9 months. Whether this is temporary or a lasting trend, time will telL As an example, each of the San Francisco Area's Sholem Aleichem Festivals had a larger than expected attendance of 25 to 100 percent

Workmen's Circle National Headquarten: 45 E. 33rd St., NY, NY 10016. Phone: 212-686-8116. Bookstore: Ext 285.

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Yiddish Play Nominated for Awards

Eleanor Reissa in a recent phone call told Fish! that for the first time a Yiddish pl~y was nominated for a Tony award. 'Those_ JVere the l)ays had two nominations--Bruc_e. Adler for best male supporting actor in a musical and Ms Reissa for best director of a musical

Tel Aviv Bound

Ann B. Cohen. our Pittsburgh contact for The . Yiddish Network. writes that she will be in Tel Aviv on June 3rd and making additional con tacts for us.

Yiddish on the IBM

Dr. Allan Blair, the contact for Columbus, Ohio., sent a beautiful letter in Yiddish using his IBM. This is a family in which both the husband and wife (Judy) are excited about Yiddish revival Fish! is thankful that Allan used a large font.

Peninsula · · ooo m Jewish Community Center

2440 Carlmont Drive Belmont, California 94002 (415) 591-4438

Unlle<l J1wi1n Community Centers

address correction requested


A Recommendation ... , ..

) )

Fishl has avoided recommending an: product, but here is an unsolicited one. Thi: is a good place to highly recommend a1 excellent anthology for readers who nee< LARGE 'IYPE print mir zenen do is printe< by Eagle Publishing Co. Ltd. Montreal Quebec

This wire bound. hard cover, 200 page bool has an excellent selection of short stories poems and jokes which include works b~ Bialik. Sholem Aleichem, Mendele, I. L Peretz Sholem Asch and other greats in 7( writings.

Astrology & Yiddish?

Jim Perilman, director of the HE:rbir Center, Box 82 Middletown, CJ. asked for Sholem Aleichem's birth data Fishl found Jim1s name in a Miami papei obituary of Jim1s . dad who was a very well­known rabbi in a large New York temple.

. ~ !

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community e - - - a Q - - - - - - • - • - e • D - - • • • • • • - • • - • • • • • •. - - • - • • • • •

SEPTEMBER 1991 Vol. I-VII • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ca • • •

der gast

"From Portland Maine to Portland Oregon The Yiddish Network is in place.11

That was the start of June's editorial Over the summer many new people, keenly interested in Yiddish, have been added to the database. The Yiddish Network is now in1 Melbourne Australia and our contact Barbara Zylberman would be happy to escort visitors to her school, the Sholem Aleichem College. Also we have expanded and now have a contact in Mexico. Maya Ajzen has been very helpful telling us about their Yiddish Teacher three-year training program

Inside is the updated list of Yiddish/Klezmer Bands. On the last page is additional information. Joyous Jewish occasions should have Jewish music. There still is no charge for any of our lists or1 information Several people have sent generous donations to the PJCC which is helping me to defray some of the costs of publishing der bay.

Compilers run into the problem of whom to include or exclude--me tool Compilers have a greater difficulty in tracking down the last ten percent than the rest--me too.

Lists get outdated The intent is to act as a clearinghpuse and run new computer printouts when a request comes in All of Fishl's lists are free--send a self­addressed stamped envelope. Fishl's new address is Philip •Fish!• Kutner 400 Lew:d St. #20:;l, Se:n Ca:rles, CA 94010. • The new home phone number is 415-596 027-&.

~ lfC'( - <. ~ 'I- ~

der kalendar

September 1st -30 Blumenthal Library of the

Magnes Museum. only M1W 10-4 Sholcm Aleichem Jbhibit 84:9-2710

1st-22nd Jewish Community Museum •Hany Lie~ Emibit:9 Call 415-543-8880

4th W, 7:30 PM. Call 415-493-9400 Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club Meets ls! &. 3rd Wed of the month

5th. Thurs,. 10:30 AM-Noon. Contra Costa JCC in Walnut Creek, Yiddish Club Every . Thurs .. Call 415-938-7800

15th. Sun.. 2:00 -4:00 PM Marin JCC Marin Yiddish Club Call F1ora Wyshak 415-383-3207

16th,,M.10 -Noon Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Culture Club, every Monday can 415-848-0237

16th M. 7:30P.M.Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Conversation Group Call 415-848-0237 or 6,44.1245

16th M. 1-2 P.M Berkeley/Richmond JCC East Bay Yiddish Folk Chorus Call 415-848-0237

18th. Wed, Yom Kippur ( No PJCC Yiddish Club Mtg)

21st, Sat 1:30 PM Temple Beth Torah, Fremont, Yiddish Club Call 415-490-5560 or 656-7141

22nd. Sun.. 1:30 PM, Peninsula JCC in Belmont, Sukkoth celebration­Jewish Storytclllng (Fishl) Call 415-591-4438, 593-0275

25th, Wed,1:30 P.M. Oakland-Piedmont JCC 2nd &. 4th W ed. Yiddish Singing Call 415-533--9220 .

October 8th, Tu. 7:ro.8:15 P.M. SFJCC

Yiddish Class-Harvey Varga Call 346-6040

18th, Wed., 1:30 PM, Peninsula JCC Belmont. Yiddish Club Meeting, can 415-591-4438,593-0275 (Fishl)

19th , Sat.. 7:30 PM "ku*msitz at the Goldf.ns• Potluck singalong, Call 415-461-6090

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Lakhn iz gezunt-Mayses fun Avrumt ·;_he

Amel iz geven an alter, ayngeboygener man. Er hot gevoynt in a vald--aleyn. Er iz geven der eyntsiker geblibener fun zayn family~. Er iz geven a kranker, zeyer a shvakher--er hot koym nisht gehat di koykhes optsukokhn a bisl kashe oyf iberbaysn.

Eyn mol shteyt er oyf in der fri, un derfilt az es iz im zeyer kalt Git er a kuk aroys funem fenster un zeyt az es falt a gedikhte shney. Vey, vey, trakht er zikh, es iz do veynik halts oyf tsu makhn fayer. Muz er aroys geyn zukhn holts in der shney, anisht vet er kholile derfroyrn vern.

Derfint er a shtrik, bindt er es arum zikh vi a gartl, un geyt aroys in vald zukhn halts. Er veyst az er muz gefinen, a gefalener, farfoylter boym, vayl er hot shoyn fun lang nisht gekont hakn halts. Geyt er in di shneyen, un geyr, un ot gefint er take a lang-gefalen~r boym. Shtrekt er oys der shtrik oyfn shney, un brekht op a tsvaygl. un a tsveyter un azoy vayter, biz er hot gemakht a kleyn kope holts. Bindt er es tsamitn shtrik, un nemt e~ oyfheybn. Kon er nisht. Vi shtark er shlept, mit ale zayne geblibene koykhes, kon er nisht. Er iz tsu shvakh, nebakh.

Kukt er in himl arayn, un shrayt oys, "Oy Got mayner shikt mir q~m toyt" Bald oyf der minut derzeyt er der Malekh Hamoves--kumt im antkegn un :z0gt, azoy oyf hoykh, "Du host oyf mir geshlkt? Vos vilstu?

Der alter vert zeyer dershrokn, fangt on tsu tsi tern, un in a tsaplendike kol, entfert er der Malekh Hamoves, "Efsher kont ir mir helfn oyfheybn dos bintl oyf di pleytses?"

AA Friedman 29500-116 Heathercliff Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 1


Come with rr,e to the land of my childhood where my zeyde and bobe spoke to me Yiddish and I understood them. There, where words were colorful, and curses were bizarre and harmless. There where the stories were of hard times in a foreign land, and where the joy of ljeing in America was oh so great

, It was a time when family was important,

and respect for parents was expected and given. It was a time when God was still alive, and for a man to know a woman. he had to marry her--a time when having children out of wedlock or marrying out of the faith was a shande

There was that land where the iceman was a weekly guest, and vegetables were bought at the push-cart You could buy hot chestnuts and yams that burned yow- fingers, but tasted oh so good. There were the meals of herring and onions, of shmaltz, griven. kishke and heldzL It was a time when everything was stuffed--even the mentshn

Even the holidays were special. Each one had its special foods. Most of all I remember the sweets. They always had raisins, nuts and honey. Passover with all of its restrictions had special foods. Who ever heard of matzoh balls that floated? Mom had to be careful when she ladled them into the chicken soup so that she didn't break the bowl

It was a time when you had to make Bar Mitzvah 'speeches that you wrote yourself but which the rabbi changed s0' you didn't, recognize it Every ' Bar Mitzvah boy chanted the best maftir and mom cooked and baked for a week before the party.

It was a time when girls had little to say, that is un'til they got married. It was a time when everyone thought that the tate was the boss, but mame knew better. Also nice Jewish boys weren't suppose to fight or to see "bad" girls.

There' alway~ . were little blue and white boxes for coins for th'e .. poor people. The fact that we were also poor never was considered. for there was always someone poorer than us.·

It was a time when Joisey was as far away as Russia. If you moved across the Hudson, you might just as well have &one back to the old country.

One had to learn what to do with mezuzzahs, tefiln, talesm, tzitze kanfes, and the yarmulke. Learning to be a Jew was a full time job. Those were the days when Yiddish was our mame-loshn.

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Ylddfsh/Klezmcr Bands 8/13/91

Otganizat1on First Last Address City st Zlp Phone

Klezamlr Amy Rose 1310 Sooth East St Amhenrt MA 01002 413-584-4672 Wholesale Klezmer Band Joe Kurland 106 Jackson Hill Rd · Le-rerett MA 01054 413-367-2096 Shirfm Klezmcr Orchestra Glenn Dickson 171 Belgede Ave. Riverdale MA 02131 617-247-1606 Bany Shapiro Orchestra Bany Shaplro 126CedarSt Somernlle MA 02144 617-625-6341 Klezmer Conservatoiy Band Hankus N~ - 68 Stuart st.. Watertown MA 02172 617-926-2911 Casco Bay Tummlers Nancy Hoffman Brackctt·Ave. Peaks Island ME 04108 207-766-4496 Nlsht Gefcrlach Stev~n Light RD2Box 1410 Plainfield VT 05667 8::>2-454-8358 Hester street Troupe Jay&Allan Sweifach 141 Prtnccton Rd Cranford NJ 07016 201-276-5245 Odessa Klezmer Orchestra Moishe Kapner 85 Amboy Avenue Metuchen NJ 08840 201-549-5377 VoJ.ce of the Shtetl Carol Freeman 53 Downing St NewYork NY 10014 212-255--7890 The Klezmat!cs Lortn ~mberg 174 w. 89th St. #5A NewYor'i( NY 10024 212-787- 1116 Brave Old World-Band Michael Alpert 308 w. 103ni St nA NcwYork NY 10025 212-666-5028 ~ & Klezmer Plus Bands Herny Sapoznlk 1048 Fifth Ave. NewYorl< NY 10028 212-535-6700 xt58 Zm1ros Yale Strom 2.2-48 29th st. Astoria ~-y 11105 718-956-1968 West End Kleztmrfm ' Harold Selets~ 34913thSt Brooklyn NY 11215 718-788-46fJ7 Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra Andy Statman 712Ave..L Brooklyn NY 11iso 718-258-5641 Origtnal Klezmer JSZ!l Band Peter Sokolow 2060 E 37th st Brooklyn l\7Y 11234 718-998-8098 Glora Feldman Gtora Fetdman 34-10 Brookside St :UttleNeck NY 11363 718-428-944.6 Mech.aye Klemler Mus1k Karen Bn.mstein 18 Cumberland St. RoclMlle Center NY 11570 516-678"0265 Old World Fol.k Band Fred Richmond 24.35 N.3rd St Harrtsbmg PA 17110 717-7'Sl-6057 Philadelphia Klezroorlm Marty Mill!son 320 Wellesley Rd Philadelphia PA 19119 215-24.7-2293 Lax&Vodka Caron Dale 3501 Rodman St NW Washington DC 20008 202-966-7Zl0 Macha.ya Jay Mc:Crcnsky 6220 Wagner Lane Bethesda MD 20816 30 i-229-6272 Fabrangen Flddlcrn David Shneyer 1719 Wllmart St. Rockville MD 20852 301-231-0067 Capltal Klemier Frieda Enoch 14616 Cwnb:y Creek Lane North Potomac MD 20878 301-219-8929 King Davids Harp Davtd Sche!Jn 8.523GorenRd Silver Sprlng MD 20901 301-585-4777 Olde Village Band Sol Feldman 10208 McKenney Ave. StlverSprtng MD 20902 301-681-6673 Klezmos Marc GUckman 320DaleDr. Sll'm'Sprtng MD 20910 301-589--5004 Baltirmrc Klezmcr Orchestra Aaron Bussey 3600 Clarinth Rd BalUJmre MD 21231 SOI-764-6884 Mazc!Klezroor1m Aaron Bussey 3600 Clarlnth Rd Baltimore MD 21231 301-764-6884 Muslkanten Connie Davis P.O.BaK 1114 Charlottesville VA 22902 804-974-1085 Dt Ylckiishe Barnie Bert Chesstn 124 Donegal Dr. Chapel Hill NC 27514 919-933-0239 Viva Klezmer Gene Kawdlo 226 OBk Creek Dr. Charlotte NC 28270 704-365-2009 Jaime Bronszteln Klezmer Band Jalmo Bronsztcln 1021 NE 176th Terrace N. M1ami Beaclt FL 33162 305-6.53-6277 Epstetn Brothers Klezmer Band Willfam Epstein 82U/ NW 59th Coo.rt Tamarac FL 33321 305-721-4546 Dave Winters Klezmer Band Davtd Winters 7204 NW76'th Dr. Tamarac FL 33321 :t:lS-721-2992 Harold Branch KlezrnerBand Harold Branch 16221 StateRd #7, ste 103 Del Rey Beach FL 33447 407-499-8879 Mlke Elsenstat Klezmer Band Mike Eisenstadt 7005 'Iwelve Oaks B!Yd. Tampa FL 33634 813-886-6393 TheKlezmat:tx Keith Hyman 24.5 Carriage Dr. NashvUlc 1N 37221 615-327-6819 Kleveland Kleznx>rfm Greg Selker 3341 Hyde Para Ave. Cleveland Hghts. OH 44118 216-397-1214 Yldd1sheCupKlezmerBand Bert Stratton 1778 Radnor Rd Cleveland Hghts. OH 44118 216-932-3586 Lafayette Kle:zrmrim Dr.Nell Zimmerman 'JZl Connolly St. West Lafayctt.e IN 47906 317-743-0657 Ethnic Connection David Owens 1540 Broadway AnnA.'lX>r MI 48105 313-662-5253 Tzlmmis Judy Barias 425 Everett Dr. Lansing MI 48915 517-484-36l9 JCC Klezmer Band Max Taglln 2500E.Jams MUwaukee WI 63211 414-964-3605 Shira Abigail Cantor Shira, P.O. Box 5593 Madison WI 53705-0593 608-Z',8-2452 Ylddlshe Folksmenshn Martene Schoenberg 411 Warwick St st.Paul MN 55105 612-699-9233 Pra!rie Heym Martin Dworkin 2123 Hoyt Ave. st.Paw MN 55108 612-645-4198 SimSbalom Dave Haberman 3429 Boone Ave. S. St. Lools Palk MN 55426 612-938-2004, Chlcego Klezmer Ensemble Kurt Bjorllng 20SElmwcod Evanston IL 60202 312-475-3905 Maxwell St. Klezmer Band Laurte Uppttz 2501 W.Fwgo Chicago IL 60645 312-761-7513 Tulsa Klezmer Band David Hurew11z 1735 E. 31st st. Tulsa OK 74105 918-742-2278 The Gypsies Greg & Mmy Ann Harbor 1009Pt:den Houston TX 17006 713-524-2711

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Ytddish/Klezmcr Bands 8/13/91

Organization First Last Address City St Ztp Phone

Austin Klemlor!.m Bill Aw:rbach 210 Walnut Drive, Austin TX 78753 513-834-2351 KiezmerVOd Ted Brandt 393S.I-.y Denver co 80224 2-03-393-0840 NewShtetJ stu Mennln 1921 Conita Real SW AJbuquerque NM. 87105 505-'c!77-4430 Ellis Island Bsnd Bany F1sher 2049 Centwy Parle E. #3160 LosAngeies CA 90057 213-557-1077 The Electro Carpathians Jeff Pekarek 66~rtngfteld St. San Diego CA 92114 619-263-2247 Mllk&Honey Doron Shaplra 7 49 Gelled Blvd DalyCtty CA 94015 415-878--9793 &ndofGold Gordon Fels 269 Minerva st San Francisco CA 94112 415-469-5633 NlgunTlio Corey Weinstein 1063~thst San"Francisco CA 94112 415-334-6212 Anatoliy Makllne Band Anatolly Ma.khlin 150 Corona st. San Francisco CA 94127 415-469-9824 Misha's Band Misha Ya~dln 414 Foerster St San Francisco CA 94127 415-469-0419 Klezman.ia of San Franctsco Ben Brussell 30Fucnh:Aw. San Francl.sco CA 94132 415-23S-4670 .;. -·t

The Katsmans O!ya&Alex Katsman 4663 Roostill.on Ave. Frcm:mt CA 94555-2151 415-581-5801 Zeitgeist Band DavidJultan Gray 372 Fru.ltw.le Ave. Oakland CA 94602 415-530-7976 California Klczmer Band Gerry Tenney 318 Athol Ave. Oakland CA 94606 415-465-7911 Slmc:ha Orchestra Elliot Kerun l0255.5thSt Oakland CA 94608 415-655-3024 nie Klezmer Manlax Kalla Flexer 381 EucltdAve. Oakland CA 94610 415-832-2818 Tour1stan stare Suon 558 Boulewrd Way Pledm>nt CA 94610 415-268-9:iM Hot Borscht Band Jonathan Lyon 1808 Sac.-wnento St Be.keley CA 94702 415-841-1311 Hotzeplotz Dan SeartBns POBax3095 Berkeley CA 94703 415-547-8555 The Kiezmorlm Donald Thornton P.O. Box 5634 Berkeley CA 94705-0~3 415-549-02Z3 Ellis Island Old World FoL!c Band Carol Ginsburg 833 San Carlos Ave. Albany CA 94706 415-222-7718 New KlezmerTrto Ben Goldberg 969 McLaughlin st Richmond CA 94805 415-237-5359 HatseganaBand Nada. Lewis 6266 Highland Ave. Richmond CA 94805 415-234-1727 Skncha Orchestra Richard Mermln P.O.Bax19 San Quentin CA 94.<lM 415-652-1002 Klezmaniacs Mark Levy P.0Box#559 Felt.on CA 95108 4-08-338-7283 Black Sea Band Sveta Obolsky 3912 Woodcreek Lane San Jose CA 95117 4-08-248-1275 UmonimBand Werner & Roberta Berg 3537 Deer Park Dr. Santa Rosa CA 95404 707-527-8015 Not Quite Kosher Kl.e't~r Band Michael Hubbard Bax#375 Comptche CA 95427 707-937-5315 Serenade Band Rick Concofl PD.Bax662 Occidental CA 95465 707-874-3052 Oomph Klezmer Band Jack Falk POBox3151 Portland OR 97208 503-452-3882 Mazei'Tones Wendy Marcus 2012 3rd Ave. N Seattle WA 98100 206-~-7~

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community a • • • - • D - • - - • • - - - e - a - - - • a - - - - - - a - Q - - - - - - - • a - - - -

OCTOBER 1991 Vol I No 8 ------... ---------------------------------------

der gast

, . ,. . October's theme is Yiddish outside 1 the · United States. This last month has shown a remarkable growth in both ltiterest and contact overseas and in 2

ri~ighboring Canada & Mexico. As we 3 st~rt a Jewish New Year, it is quite pf9pi_tious that recognition be given to 7 the e'ffort and endeavors of Yiddish in the communities abroad. Ev.eryone I ~~_ntacted was excited in hearing about 7

qafi bal) . I have had no contact with Es.stern Europe, and will devote a future 7 issue to the wonderful activities in Israel ori behalf of Yiddish :s: This month additional cities which 8

added contacts to The Yiddish Network g i.riclude; Izzy Young in Stockholm. Lillian tH.tbb of Cape Town, Jack Wiegman living 13 in Amsterdam, Majer Bogdanski in l;·ortdon, Joachim Hemmerle of the 14

Mannheimer Morgen in Mannheim and 16 Francois Lilienfeld near Zurich. .,,,:\ - There still is no charge for any of our. lists, · newsletter (selective 19 circulation) or information services. All that is needed is an (SASE) Self- 19

Addressed Stamped Envelope. Several 23 ~edple have already sent generous donations to the Peninsula JCC which is ~lping me to defray some of the costs of 24

.publishing der l:la-g. :, .. . Nothing is copyrighted--you are 27 tirged to share this information with your Yiddish classes and Yiddish clubs. All 28 letters have been answered within 72 Hours. Fishl's new address is Philip :•Ji'ishl• Kutner 400 Laurel St fl:202. San 31

C~rlos. CA 94070. The new home phone riu.tnber is 415-593-0275.

der kalendar

EVERY Tues., 7:00 PM. at SF JCC Jewish Folk Chorus Call Renee 415-533 -3903 Wed., 7:30 PM. Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club, Call 415-493-9400 Thurs., 10:30 AM-Noon. Contra Costa J CC Yiddish Chm, Call 415-938-7800 Mon., 10..Noon Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Culture t.::lub, every Monday Call 415-848-0237 Mon., 7:30 P.M.,Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Conve_rsatlon Group Call 415-848-0237 or 415-644-1245 Mon., 1-2 P.M Berkefey/Richmond JCC East Bay Yiddish Folk Chorus Call 415-848-0237 Tues., to Nov 26, 7:00-8:15 P.M. SFJCC Yiddish Class-Call 415-346-6040 Wed, 7:30 P.M. Temple Beth Am Yiddish Class, Call 4 '15-886-1888 Sun, 2:00-4:00 PM Marin JCC Marin Yiddish Club Call 415-383-3207 Mon., 2nd 1:00 P.M.Montefiore Sr. Center Call Rae Mintz' 415-346-6040 xt210 'Wed, l:~3:30 PM; Peninsula JCC Belmont. Yiddish· Club Meeting, Call 415-591-4438 or 593-0275 {Fish!) Sat., 7:30 PM •Kwnsft:z at the Goldins" Potluck singalong, Call ·415-461-8090 Sat 1:30 PM Temple Beth To.rah Yiddish Club Call 415-490-5560 or 415-656-7141 Wed., 1:30 P.M. Oakland-Piedmont JCC 2nd & 4th Wed. Yiddish Singing . Call 415-533-9220 . . . ,·· Th, 8:00 PM. Humanities Bldg., SF The Jewish StoryteDer(Fishl)

Call 415-572-4367,or 415-593-0275 Sun. Yiddlsh Song Circle - Berkeley Calll 415.:841-75!23 or 415-532-2358 Mon., 11:30 A.M.;Berkcley/Richmond JCC Yiddish-in the Bay Area(Fishl) Call 415-8-48-0237 or 415-593-0275 Th 7:30 P.M., Mame-loshn Yiddish Club Call 415-574-5634. 415-595-5492. or Fish! at 415-593-0275

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Kleuoer Band of the Month

BRA VE OLD WORLD is a new klezmer ensemble which brings together four leading exponents of the American klezmer revitalization: Michael Alpert (vocals, violin), Alan Bem (accordion. piano), Stuart Brotman (cimbalom. wind and fretted instrwnents, and percussion), and Joel Rubin clarinets. The group has concertized, recorded and taught since 1987 throughout North America and Europe.

Not only virtuosos as performers. but the four members of BRA VE OLD WORLD are also recognized teachers and scholars in Yiddish musical and cultural studies. All are on the staff of the YIVO KlezKamp in New York.

. BRA VE OLD WORLD offers a unique cultural and educational opportunity: hands-on workshops in Yiddish song, klezmer music, and traditional Yiddish folk dance, as well as lectures and discussions focusing on the history and cultural content of Yiddish music up to the present day.

Recent performances and events have included: "Days of Jewish Kazimierz" as part of the CSCE and UNESCO organized conference "International Symposium on European Cultural Heritage", Cracow, "A- Weekend of Klezmer: The fourth Annual New Institute for the Study of Judaism and the Jews• Jewish Studies Program. Indiana University; World Music Institute, New York; and "Songs of the Lodz Ghetto-, world premiere of songs collected from Holocaust survivors collected in Israel by ethnomusicologist Gila Flam (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington D.C.),.

Additional performances were at the Jewish Community of Frankfurt; Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlin as part of the concert series "Israel, the Second Generation: Between Memory and the Present''; and •Funftsik yor fun der heym avek", lecture-concert as part of the symposium •The Contribution of Jews to American Society and Culture", Amerika Haus Berlin. ,

This renowned group is celebrating the release of its new CD "Klezmer Music" on Flying Fish Records. Chicago {FF 70560}. An excellent recording by an earlier formation of the group. the "Joel Rubin Klezmer Band•, .was released on Global Village Music. New York [C122].

For more information on overseas klezmer music and the BRA VE OLD WORLD band, contact Michael Alpert, 308 West 103rd St, Apt 2A, New York. NY 10025, (212) 666-5028.

Yiddish on the Coml21J1cr

Few people use a computer with Hebrew fonts to communicat1e in Yiddi~h. There are several reasons for this including:

1) Many o:f the seniors are apprehensive about ]learning to use a computer.

2) While the price of computer hardware ts dropping rapidly, it costs thousands of dollars1 for a complete set-up.

3) While there is progress In developing "Yiddi1sh" software. it can't match English word-processing programs.

Thus lean:iing, cost. and quality have been factors in retarding rapid growth in the use of computers to communicate in Yiddish. However, there are sig111s of change and several very knowledgeable people among our readers who do use a computer because of the following two reasons .

First, the use of transliteration permits a cheap and simple method with a short learning span. It is impeirative that writers use the standard spelling developed by YlVO and accepted by The Library- of Congress. For a set of these rules check several beginner.s texts, contact YIVO, or send Fish! an (SASE) self-addressed stamped envelope for a simple Ust of rules.

Second, there is a growing number communicating c)nline, using a modem to send and receive message.s over the telephone through their computers. Fish! is in the very early_ p.x:ellmlnary stages of using this wonderful means of contacting others around the world. The high speed and lower cost makes this the way of the future.

Here are several very knowledgeable people who have proven helpful t o me and represent a varied geographical area

Dorothy Wasscncnan of Wasserman Associates, New York City R. Lea Singer editor of Yiiddish in Greater Washington, Wa~1hington DC Ari Davldow columnist. Oakland, CA David Sherman Toronto, Canada online Lorin Skla.mbcqt YlVO, NYC Al Sobel Boul~er., CO Harry Bochner :Somerville. MA Max Drucker prilnter, Durham, NC

For addresses oJr: above, someone in your area. or commercial ven1dors of Yiddish material. send SASE to Fish! at his new address 400 Laurel St #202, ~ Carlos, CA 94070 phone 415-593-0275.

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At the Yiddish Club

How sweet is the tongue learned in childhood, when little ones sheltered midst voices round their hearth. That first tongue, heard once again in adulthood, now electrifies the heart.

The old family members who are no more, those fixed stars in our firmament of yore, spoke a-Yiddish that we drank in, a rich ·elixir of love's vitamin.

For so many the tongue ne'er continued as we thoroughly Americanized, we left it behind, with never a mind, til here, by its power surprised.

The spell of the old words upon us fountains up easy laughter, sweet tears! Cascading us back . '. to that world, to those days when we knew all would hold, and for.ever would last.


Summer '87 at Chatauqua, NY Ethel Clicker

Beechhurst, NY

Peninsula .. ... . Jewish Comm.unity c.~nter 2440 Carlmont Drive Belmont, California 94002



Where Are You?

If you know of a Yiddish teacher Yiddish club, or Klezmer band not on our list, or a correction tell us. Write or call with the c:urrent where-abouts of:

"Where are you list" David Brown Toby Erlict1 Janice Hamer Dr. Jean Joffen Albert Kaminsky Hal Katzman Irena Klepfisz Ruth Korman Nitsan Lavie Lev Lieberman Kevin Linscot Bob Me(h)lman · Norman Miller Stanley Miller Steve Reuben Mickey· Sperncer tarry Topo1I

Klezmer Band Leader Yiddish School Chicago Was in Bryn Mawr area Yiddish Teacher Yiddish Teacher Klezmer Band Leader Writer Yiddish Teacher Israeli Musician Musician Musician Klezmer Band Leader BB on Yiddish Studies Klezmer Band Leader "f/as in Riverdale·, NY Was in Berkeley CA Performer ·

Non•Profit Organization US Postage ,

PAID Permit No. 3

Belmont. Calif.

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our Canadian Friends

der bay's largest group of "ove~seas" Yiddish contacts, is in Canada. As it is in most areas, the concentration of Yiddish is in the major cities, with the sole exception of Quebec (open for a contact).

There is a shift from Montreal to Toronto due to the political climate in Cariada. A Yiddish graduate program exists at McGill. It is one of only three Yiddish doctoral programs I'm aware of.

Montreal boasts the world­renowned Saidye Bronfman Yiddish Theater and its director Dora Wasserman, our dedicated contact.

The Yiddish Network contact, in T0ronto, Sylvia Lustgarten, has been a prolific corresponde and is great to visitors. Dave Sherman has a computer center for Yiddish contacts. . Dave Buchbinder's Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band also calls this place homer Yes, Toronto is a must for visitors.

Winnipeg~does- not have the number of Yiddish speakers as do Montreal or Toronto, but on a one-to-one basis it is just as strong, Especially,the effort of the local Yiddish radio announcer, Noah Whitman, and our enthusiastic contact Oscar Antell, . It is the home of my own favorite Yiddish mentor, Layah Laks, and her wonderful husband, Joseph, and the home' of the Finjan Klezmer Band

our smallest list is in Calgary. Thanks to Riva West, I'm in touch with Lila Mydlarski, the Yiddish teacher who really does justice to that title. When you visit their roundup, write Lila, our contact

Vancouver is a beautiful city. Prof. Seymour Levitan, our contact, has been one of the best resources on both Sholem Aleykhem and Mendele. Vancouver also has the wonderful Odessa Klezmer Band

See TYN List in the September issue of der bay.· For a list with new European contacts, please send an (SASE) Philip "Fishl" Kutner 400 Laurel St. #202, San Carlos, CA 9407 0.

Objectives of TYN

At the present, The Yiddish Network {TYN) is centered at der bay office operating out of Fish1 1 s home at 400 Laurel St. #202, San Carlos, CA 94070: phone (415)593-0275. Printing and distribution is at the Peninsula Yiddish Center located at the Peninsula JCC in Belmont, California.

TYN is a loosely knit group of ·highly motivated and dedicated Jews, in 49 cities around the world (not in the East Europe area--yet), dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of Yiddish. If you send an (SASE) to the contact person you will receive a list of Yiddish activities for the next month for that city and the names of several Yiddish speakers.

Below is a list of free materials from TYN, or others who distribute them free or at very low charge. Donations may be sent to Fishl and made out to the Peninsula JCC.

To receive these lists, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Fishl (address above). Please make only one request per month up to a total of 5 pts.

List of Yiddish Network Members 2 List of Yiddish Local Contacts with Local Yiddish Calendar of Ff..rents 1 List of Yiddish Newsletters 2 List of Computer Mavens and Software

Vendors, of Yiddish 2 List of Yiddish ciubs 3 List of Yiddish Courses 1 List of Yiddish Teachers 4 List of Jewish Museums 1 List of Jewish Libraries 1 List of Yiddish Theatrical Groups! List of Yiddish Entertainers. s List of Yiddish/Klezmer Bands 4 List of Vendors of Yiddish Videos &

Cassettes 3 List of Yiddish Learning Materials

and Vendors 3 List of Major Yiddish Organizations2 List of International Contacts 3

) ) .

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community Q Q Q Q Q Q ~ 0 Q Q ~ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 Q Q Q

NOVEMBER 1991 Vol I No 9 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ~ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

der gast

Nothing is copyrighted--you are urged to share this information with your Yiddish classes and Yiddish clubs. All letters have been answered within 72 hours. Fishl's address is Philip "Fishl" Kutner • 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo. CA 94403. This is south of SF. His phone is 415-349-6946.

Each issue is like a new child. Somehow it devlops its own personality. This month has been spent responding to twice the mail in any previous month and the requests required greater detail and research. There appears to be an ever-increasing interest in computers, and the requests for computer maven lists show the greatest percentage increase of all requests.

The second difference this month has been the emphasis in developing the very large Florida Yiddish community. Our 1YN contact has been extremely helpful . but it requires phone calls to each to update and verify all data. Merely updating all the returned mail With address changes and those sent in has been very time­consuming.

In this issue you will find an article on a new course being offered at the Peninsula Jewish Community Center in Belmont. California. It is entiledd "My Yiddish Roots: A Course for Beginners".

Next month marks the last issue of my first year in publishing der bay. I'm looking for suggestions for a sponsor befitting the a nniversary issue.

der kalenda1r

NOV 4 Mon., 10-Noon Berkeley/Richmond JCC

Yiddish Culture Club, Every Monday Call 510~848-0237

4 Mon., 7:30 P.M., Berkeley/Riichmond JCC Yiddish Conversation Group Call 510-848-0237 or 415-644-1245

4 Mon., 1-2 P.M. Berkeley/Riclhmond JCC East Bay Yiddish Folk Chorus Call 510-848-0237

5 Every Tues., 7:00 PM, at SFJCC Jewish Folk Chorus Call Renee 415-533 -3903

5 Tues., to Nov 26, 7:00-8:15 P.M. SFJCC Yiddish Class-Call 415-346-6040

6 Wed., 7:30 P.M., Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Choristers, (Every Wednesday) Call Lettie 415-941-9066 or 415-493-9400

6 Wed., 7:30 P.M., Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club, Call 415-493-9400

6 Wed., 7:30 P.M. Temple Beth Am Yiddish Class, Call 415-886- il888

7 Thurs., 10:30 A.M.-Noon, Contra Costa JCC Yiddish Club, Call 510-938-7800

10 Sun., 2:00-4:00 P.M. Marin JCC Marin Yiddish Club Call 415-383-3207

11 Mon., 2nd 1 :00 P.M.Montefiore Sr. Center Call Rae Mintz 415-346-6040 xt210

13 Wed.,1:30 P.M. Oakland-Piedmont JCC 2nd & 4th Wed. Yiddish Singing Call 510-533-9220

16 Sat., 7:30 P.M. "ku*msitz at the Goldins" Potluck singalong, Call 415-461-6090

16 Sat. 1:30 P.M. Temple Beth Torah Yiddish Club Call 510-490-5560 or 415-656-7141

20 Wed., 1:30-3:30 P.M., Peninsula JCC Belmont, Yiddish Club Meetimg, Call 591-4438 or 593-0275 (Fishl)

24 Sun., Yiddish Song Circle - Berkeley Call 510-841-7523 or 532-2358


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My Yiddish Roots: A Course for Beginners

Have you wanted to start right from the beginning? Are your Yiddish skills weak or non-existent? Are you rusty in the use of the language of YOUR parents or grandparents? Would you like to learn how to trace your genealogy back to your Yiddish Roots.? Do you yearn to hear klezmer music or the Yiddish lullabies?

If the above drew a positive response, then you are in for a treat, for this course will put you on your journey.

Here is a unique opportunity to start right at the beginning with the multi­talented editor of de r bay, the newsletter of the San Francisco Bay Area Yiddish Community. Share and search for your roots along with others just like you. Meet people who also wish to search and share. Background, age and knowledge will cover the gamut. Your classmates may be complete novices (onheybers) in one area and experts (mavens) in another.

Teaching this course will be Philip "Fishl" Kutner, a master teacher a nd Jewish storyteller who has plied his trade from preschoolers. to octogenarians in Florida, Metropolitan New_ York. and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Guest performers and specialists will supplement this program.

With two new Yiddish clubs, we have become a center in Yiddish revival. Whatever your motivation, here is your opportunity . to start with the basics. For ·:he first time storytelling, genealogy and ·:he Yiddish language and heritage are in a i,ingle course. It recognizes that our area :1as students whose religious interest ,,aries from nil through advanced training. ,\11 are welcome.

The Peninsula JCC in Belmont is excited about its role in fostering this area's latest interest in Yiddishkayt. Contact Carol or Mildred at the PJCC office for details. Phone (415) 591-4438 or Fishl at home (415) 349-6946

Yldish far Klnderlakh

A young American couple decided; before they were married, that should they be blessed with children, they would raise them speaking Yiddish.

In our next issue there will appear Toby Erlich and Henry Jelen's own article on their experiences with raising their four year-old daughter.

We all comment on the need to bring Yiddish to our young people, but most of us do nothing about it. Toby and Henry together traveled unchartered waters in developing a program for their daughter, and in doing so made it possible for other children to benefit.

Be sure -to see the next issue of d e r bay and read their personal account of their difficult, and often humorous story Read also of the unselfish effort of a retired Yiddish teacher who never taught pre-schoolers, but who now is sharing in the joy of passing on our Yiddish to t he next generation.


Rabbi Irvin D. Ungar, of nearby Burlingame, wrote to tell of an interesting issue of the Forward that he has in h is collection of J udaica.

Rabbi Ungar noted that the headlines are in red, and takes u p the top third of the front page. It reads "krig ge · endigt Lri eyrope". The issue is d ated Tuesday, May 8, 1945. Throughout its 8 pages, the now scarce issue addressed the war's end.

He is the . owner of Holy Land Treasures and does lectures and workshops on rare manuscripts, books. also ritual and ceremonial Judaica.

Lists of Judaica abound. It is a specialized and lucrative field. Requests for Judaica information often come in and I always send a varied list . Rabbi Ungar has been very helpful with my reference needs. He is at 1200 Edgehill Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010.

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Home Grown "Klez"

After a year of collecting data, it seems appropriate to evaluate the Home Grown "Klez"--the locals. How does the San Francisco Bay Area compare with other areas

As a group, musicians chase rainbows. This seems to be the nature of artists. These dedicated people may be in it for the money, but for most of them, it's almost as lucrative as being a school teacher, but with many more hours of "practice". There is a very high turnover rate within bands, and the lack of band longevity seems to be the norm. Yes, we have the few well-known success stories. but the struggling masses is the norm.

From a per-unit population perspective. SF Bay Area runs away with the award for number of Klezmer bands. My US list has 84 now and Will probably peak off at about 100 when I locate the recalcitrant and hideaways. ·

There are about 20 Klezmer bands in the San Francisco area and fully three- quarters can be labeled as serious-minded and dedicated to the art. It drew enough interest that YIVO's KlezKamp was held here a few years ago. One of the peripheral benefits of this interest. and a measure of the dedication, is the keen interest these young musicians show in learning Yiddish.

In the last few months the number of inquiries of people looking for "Klez" bands to perform at Jewish functions has grown along a steep rising curve. There is a definite trend to use them instead of the more popular song and dance bands for Jewish affairs.

A mutual benefit was derived between the bands and the communities when Yiddish Festivals arrived last May 13th. These were the celebrations, all around the Bay, of Sholem Aleykhem's 75th Yortsayt. The Berkeley /Richmond JCC incorporated this festival into their annual festival which has been an ongoing event.

American Assn. of Professors of Yiddish Will Meet in San Francisco

Professor Joseph Landis, head of the AAPY, announced that this prestigious organization will hold presentations as part of the Modem Languages Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco from December 27-30, 1991.

There will be a discussion group "Contemporary Critical Approaches to Yiddish Literature". Included in the program will be "feminist , psychoanalytic and deconstructionist" aspects.

The AAPY Yiddish session is entitled Yiddish Literary Critics. Manifestoes, and Movements: Critical Positions in Yiddish Literature. It will be held at the Marriott Hotel.

Ylddishland: Registration Pending

We are proud to announce that our contact for the Washington DC area has this beautiful word Yiddishland being recognized. Ms R. Lea Singer is the editor of The Greater Washington Yiddish Newsletter. Lea notes that she has been using this term for the last five years and according to the Patent Office, in 4 to 6 months it will be registered. In Fishl's opinion her publication is the finest Yiddish club newsletter in the U.S.

The Greater Washington Area, especially the section within Maryland, is where Yiddtst:i is very strong. This area is among the top five most dynamic Yiddish areas in America.

As Fishl has learned through many conversations and communications, Lea is a lso an excellent community information specialist. She specializes in planning. developing, and executing long-term information and communication projects. In addition, she runs the Rivka Network

We appreciate the effort by the 1YN (The Yiddish Network) with individuals like R. Lea Singer.

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UC Berkeley Yiddish Club Formed

Last summer five students from the San Francisco Bay area attended the Weinreich Summer Program at Columbia University in NewYork City. Since returning, th ey decided to continue their interest in Yiddish by forming Yiddish clubs.

At the time of wri ting this article, the group has had two meetings and established the rule that con versa ti on at meetings will be strictly in Yiddish. They listen to Yiddish songs and read Yiddish poetry and stories.

It was decided to open the club to anyone in the community who desired and was capable of communicating solely in Yiddish.

Another group is in the process o f organizing at Stanford University and it is hoped that the two groups w ill cooperate o;n programming and have periodic joint meetings.

Peninsula ••• m Jewish Community Center

2440 Carlmont Drive Belmont, California 94002 (415) 591-4438

Uruteo Jew•sn Commun,ry Cenler5

WhereAr.e You

If you know of a Yiddish teacher, Y iddisn club, or Klezmer band not on our lis t. please let me know. If you know of a c o rrection, o r deletion, in the mfo. 1.1ation. please tell us. You found 5 from the last list.

"\Vhere are you list'.. David Brown Klezmer Band Leader Avrum Goldblatt Telecommunications Dr. Alice Kessler Harris Rutgers U. ? Albert Kaminsky YiddishTeacher Hal Katzman Klezmer Band Leader Ruth Korman YiddishTeacher Lev Lieberman Musician Kevin Linscot Musician Bob Me(h)lman Klezmer Band Leader Stanley Miller Klezmer Band Leader Steve Reuben Was in Riverdale, NY Dr Gary S Schiff Gratz College Jack Sczupak (spelling?) Atlanta, GA area Rabbi Reuven Tradburks 11 Band Leader

Non-Profit Organization US Postage

PAID Permit No. 3

Belmont, Calif.

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Newsletter of the Bay Area Yiddish Community

DECEl\tlBER 1991

der gast

Yiddish teachers. Yiddish clubs. and Klczmcr bands, this nc\,vsletter is your clearinghouse. Philip "Fishl" Kutner, 1128 Tnnglewood Way, Sun Mateo, CA 94403. 415-349-6946 is your editor. All of the directories nnd lists arc free. To rccci ve a list or be listed. send Fish! a (SASE) self­addressed stamped envelope. Gigs nnd teaching positions arc handled by the parties involved. a.nd nll dcr bay docs is to act as a no-fee rcsourcc--it's a mitzvah.

Our TYN (The Yiddish Network) has contacts in 53 ci tics throughout the US and in eleven foreign countries. When you move or travel. the contact person will send you a list of Yiddish activities and names or scvcrnl Yiddish speakers. All you need do. is send the contact a SASE.

To meet the urgent need for computer info rmation in the Yiddish community, we start a three part series on English-Yiddish Computing by Dorothy Wasserman. one of the top people in the field.












Our IY!inmi Arca contact. Sunny 9 Landsman, has j us t co-authored a book to help in organizing new clubs and be an aid 11

to existing ones. Sec The Wonderful World of Yiddish in this issue. 14

Fish! has compiled an index of dcr bay's first year--tcn issues, and it is free. 18 Back issues and library subscriptions arc available at two dollars per issue. Foreign requests add a dollar nn issue. All checks should be made to PJCC (Peninsula JCC). 21

This month marks the last issue of my first year in publishing der bay I'm 22 looking for suggestions for a sponsor befitting the anniversary issue. 27-30

Vol I '.\io 10

der kalendar

Mon .. 10-Noon Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Culture Club, Call 510-848-0237 Mon .. 7:30 P.M .. Berkeley/Richmond JCC Yiddish Conversation Group Call 510-848-0237 or 415-644-1245 Mon .. 1-2 P.M. Berkelev/Richmond JCC East Bay Yiddish Folk Chorus Call 5 l0-848-0237 Every Tues .. 7:00 PM. at SFJCC Jewish Folk Chorus. Call 415-533 -3903 Tues .. to Nov 26, 7:00-8: 15 P.M. SFJCC Yiddish Class-Call 415-346-6040 Every Wed .. 7:00 PM, in Bolinas Yiddish Class. Call Jeff 415-868-2309 Wed .. 7:30 P.M .. Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Choristers. (Every Wednesday) Call Lottie 415-941-9066 or 415-493-9400 Wed .. 7:30 P.M .. Albert L Schultz JCC Yiddish Club. Call 415-493-9400 Wed .. 7:30 P.M. Temple Beth Am Yiddish Class. Call 415-886-1888 Thurs., 10:30 A.M.-Noon. Contra Costa JCC Yiddish Club. Call 510-938-7800 Sun .. 2:00-4:00 P.M. Marin JCC Marin Yiddish Club Call-+ 15-383-3207 Mon .. 2nd 1:00 P.M.Montefiore Sr. Center Call Rae Mintz 415-346-6040 xt210 Wed., l :30 P.M. Oakland-Piedmont JCC 2nd & 4th Wed. Yiddish Singing Call 510-533-9220 Sat., 7:30 P.M. "ku*msitz at the Goldins" Potluck singalong, Call 415-461-6090 Wed .. l :30-3:30 P.M .. Peninsula JCC Belmont. Yiddish Club Meeting, Prof. DoY No,· - Jewish Folklore Call 591 -4438 o~ 349-6946 (Fish!) Sat. I :30 PM.Temple Beth Torah Yiddish Club Call 5 L0-490-5560 or 415-656-7141 Sun .. Yiddish Song Circle - Berkeley Call 510-841-7523 or 532-2358 ML,\ Annual Conference, SF

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The Wonderful World of Yiddish

$unny Landsman and Fred Silberstein have just published The Wonderful World of Yiddish. Here is a must for every Yiddish club. Sunny is the Miami Area contact for The Yiddish Connection. Both authors are among the most dedicated and tireless workers for the preservation and revival of Yiddish.

This publication was an outgrowth of many years ,of experience with The Circle of Yiddish Clubs. which also has a newsletter, undzer shtime Experience learned in fostering Yiddish clubs, teaching many Yiddish classes, and running programs has given the authors invaluable insight in writing this book. Fishl has not come across anyone who has had more experience in organizing and coordinating Yiddish clubs than Sunny Landsman. She is a true leader.

Last summer Fishl met Sunny and her husband at their son's home in the Bay Area. While he did not see the final copy, he was very impressed.

It is divided into fifteen chapters. Included is a chapter all in Yiddish for the advanced reader. At the beginning is a section on practical tips in setting up a club. Fishl has seen four new Yiddish clubs formed this year in the Bay Area, and three more are in the process of being formed. Most people do not know how to go about getting a group started. The Wonderful \1/orld of Yiddish is an excellent addition to existing Yiddish Club libraries as well as to those of us interested in starting a new club.

The next section is full of information with chapters on humor, proverbs, poetry. and songs.

This wonderful book is not for sale, but will be given to new members of the Circle of Yiddish Clubs and libraries which have large Yiddish collections.

Sunny said, "Both of us are deeply involved with the Arbeter Ring, The Workmen's Circle, for this international organization is deeply committed to fostering Yiddish."

Sunny can likewise be contacted at the Circle of Yiddish Clubs cl o JCC 6501 \V. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33313

'.'..Sangs of My Grandfather11

This cassette is a family a C,a . produced by the company they formed, Mame-Loshn Music, and inspired by the poet grandfather, Menke Katz, who selected the songs. This unusual collection truly combines traditional melodies with quite contemporary arrangements, and recorded in 24-track.

It all started in 1988, while mother and father, Troim and Frank Handler, were attending the summer Yiddish program at Oxford, England, which Troim's brother, Dr. David Katz, heads. While the parents were away, Sheh-sheh, and her sister Claudia first recorded grandfather Menke's favorites at his country home in Spring Glen, New York.

Sheh-sheh the professional singer, and Claudia then turned Menke's simple singing into dazzling arrangements. created by Joe Jedrilinic. From over 200 songs, the twelve selections captured the magic and charm of Menke's childhood in Lithuania

In addition to Menke's nine books of Yiddish poetry and nine books of English poetry, he had compiled a book of lyrics, YJ'ddish Songs for Oxford, for his son's program. Unfortunately, Menke Katz died April 24 of this year.

When Troim and Frank Handler returned from Oxford, Troim produced the cassette insert, containing all the lyrics in the original Yiddish, as well as English translations and transliterations. Those songs are not the too-oft repeated favorites, but special _selections, such as "Shvartse Oygen" and other beloved but hard-to-find songs. The Forward gave the cassette an excellent review in its Yiddish edition.

Troim, is a well-known Yiddish teacher in the NY area. It is wonderful to see such a talented family involved in helping us enjoy our beautiful language.

Fishl was very pleased to see the lyrics included with the cassette. However, the print was small, and he had to enlarge it. This makes an excellent learning supplement. ,

Mame-Loshn Music is at 61 Sylvia Drive, in West Islip, NY 11795

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English-Yiddish ComputingJ

by Dorothy Wasserman

This article is the first in a series which Fishl Kutner has invited me to write. "Tell us," he said, "how we can word process in Yiddish, print. produce learning materials with sound, send our files to each other using modems, and whatever else is possible that I haven't thought of. But. don't get too technical"

My interest in Yiddish on the computer stems from a non-technical source -- my mother's death. In addition to lhe __ obvious loss, I could no longer converse with her daily in Yiddish. At the same time the old Yiddish presses were literally folding; the actual typefaces were being sold. given away or abandoned. The few people who needed to communicate in Yiddish print had no way to do so economically.

As a computer consultant and desktop publisher, l was helping people to get their ideas into print inexpensively. Why not in Yiddish? For Yiddish to continue, more young people need to be involved. And where are they? Many are sitting in front of a computer.

Beginning m 1987. I was part of a group evaluating Hebrew -- English -- Yiddish (HEY) word processors. In addition to what you would expect from a regular word processor we included at least five essentials.

The Yiddish letters must flow into the text from right to left. Words must flow from line to line in the correct direction (word wrap). The user must be able to edit the Yiddish letters on the screen and then print them All three languages must mix correctly, each in its proper direction. even on the same line. And all the Yiddish letters must be included in the Hebrew set of letters. As you will see in forthcoming articles, these five essentials will come into play again and again as we focus on software for Yiddish use.

In the next article I will review NB LINGUA, from Dragonfly software for IBM compatibles, and NISUS from Paragon Concepts for Macintosh mach ines. Both are excellent programs.

Dorothy Wasserman. computer consultant. with clients world-wide, specializes in sales and service of multilanguage computing hardware and software. She can be reached at D. Wasserman Associates, Inc., 1841 Broadway, #715, NY, NY, 10023, 212-246-fH58.

Ed. Dorothy Wasserman is one key in our 11Yiddish on the Computer Contacts~ We hope to develop a large base or Yiddish users. fl you need advice on 11writing11

in Yiddish please contact Dorothy. She is very knowledgeable and a wonderful resource. She will either respond soon or put you in touch with someone as near to you as possible. As mentioned in previous issues, one ofnur lists is 01"Computer Mavens''.

ddler Group For Khc sidic Jews to speak Yiddish •, r eat accomp ·shment. The everyday household lur • .1agc can ofte be Yiddish. For a four year old child Ol non­Khasidi parents, to be raised speaking Yiddish. in middle merica, is quite another matter.

A Yiddi speaking class of young children does exist in New p ork; however, when Toby Ehrlich and her husban l Henry Jelen started a preschool for their daughte1 in Chlcago it was another matter.

Toby a d Henry are both children of Holocaust survivo s. Henry is the President in Chicago of the Associa ion of Children of Holocaust Survivors. Before _t ~ey were married they decided that if they had any ch1l tlren, they would be raised knowing Yiddish.

When t ey could not find a :Yiddish preschool, Toby decided to start her own. She decided that it should not me L in homes where il my lurn into a coffee klotch ti or mothers. After much searching. she was able to ~ d a synagogue which gave her a room.

Approxi ately ten children come weekly for an hour and a alf of Yiddish play and learning. It is a require pent that a parent accompany the child and speak o ly in Yiddish during the hour and a half session.

While Toby teaches the arts and crafts. she felt the need fo a professional Yiddish teacher Lo Leach the Yidd1s Luckily she found Pearl Kahan a retired Yiddis teacher who had taught in Hillel at the Univers1 ty of Chicago. and in Poland before coming to Amer ca It was a new experience for her to teach very yo ng children. but Pearl feels that this is her contnb ~ion to keeping Yiddish alive.

To imp ve their background, Toby and Henry wenl to Yugn J's Yidish Vokh and were greatly impressed with bo n Yugntruf and the people at the retreat

As with 11 teachers, Toby is looking for new material for the roup. She mentioned another child of a Holoca st survivor, author Maurice Sendak. "It would b wonderful if someone would translate into Yiddish andek's Where the Wild Things Are"

Toby ha scow-ed the old Yiddish books to find fresh materia fnr the preschoolers. She came across a 1917 tr slation of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

Toby is ager to make contact with anyone else who has had rany experience with teaching Yiddish to the very yo g child. She is not only resource for others who m j be interested. but she and Henry are people whom j truly admire.

In anot ler article in this issue. Fishl ment ions the interest in establishing a clearinghouse for Yiddish club pr ~ramming. There is likewise a need to have matcria for other groups. Whtie the academic value of the p estigious institutions cannot and should not be und estimated, the need for Yiddish survival at the gra sroots is essential to get the basic support necessa to carry on the language and culture.

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Yiddish Materials Exchang.e

Someone had to mention this sooner or later. I received a request from Deena Prigosin, Direct or of the Workmen' s Circle in Cleveland, and Simon Swirsky of the Yiddish Cultural Committee.

Their interest is in sharing materials for Yiddish club meetings. It isn't a matter of teac;hing materials as much as short stories, poems and songs. As a new club leader,. there is plenty of material available for me; however, for clubs which have been around a few years, they need to get fresh material.

While I have discussed this with Dr. Alan Blair of Columbus, we never decided to proceed on the matter.

I contacted the CAJE (Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education) and received their Yiddish materials from their Curriculum Bank. It has a point system so that cont ributors receive credi t for their efforts. CAJE is the largest and most dynamic organizat ion of Hebrew School Teachers and Administrators.

Several of our TYN contacts are members. and the chairperson of its Yiddish sect ion is our contributor Marcia G. Levinsohn of Silver Spring, MD.

It is not prac t ical for me to undertake this endeavor at this time. 'Who will act as a clearinghouse for these materials? It would require maintaining a list of materials and source recognition. Individuals using this service would send 'in a self-addressed stamped envelope.

As for cost. it should be very close to reproduction cost--surely not more than a dime a sheet. There are individuals who need to make a living from Yiddish, but our intent is to get the widest possible coverage at the lowest possible cost.

If we do not get someone to run this project, I'll act as a clearinghouse only to the extent of listing the materials and the producer. It would be up to you to then contact each producer individually. This would require sending several inquiries instead of one central source. Let's see what the mail will bring this month with ideas and volunteers.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.